The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)

DONT WAIT UNTIL MORNING TO PUCE YOUR AD--FHONI NOW! PE 6-3313 IS IT AFTER 5 P.M.? WANT TO PLACE A WANT AD? Phone Your Alt Night Ad Taker PE 6-3313 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION OFFICE HOURS 8:00 a.m. to I PJn. DEADLINE (or Clmilled AdvertUemenU 4:30 p.m. the prevloui to publication. WANT AD RATES 1 4o per word; conwcutJTt diys, 100 per word; 6 lo pel word.

MINIMUM 11.00 Cuh Discount JSc. TO TELEPHONE jrour ad, call PE 6-ttll CentraUa or 8H A trained ad taker will help you prepare your NIGHT PHONE To place your Want Ad alter 5 p.m. please call FE (-3313 and your message will be recorded by the automatic want ad taker to appear In the next days Issue. BOX NUMBERS When the advertiser fives bos number instead ci telephone cumber or addreu, replies should be mailed to that on number in oJ THE DAILY. CHRONICLE.

IF TOUR AD appean incorrectly, notify ui immediately We accept responsibility (or one incorrect Insertion only. COMMERCIAL RATES for ClauUled Advertising will a i on request. THE DAILY CHRONICLE the right to revise or reject advertisem*nt. Dill CcntntlitPE 6-3311 or Chehalu SH 8-3311 Far 91 ELDERLY couple, one bedroom. Partly furnished; SH 83631.

THREE rooms furnished, good location. PE 6-4U5. 3 ROOM, upstairs. Near Cen- High. PE 6-3586.

DOWNSTAIRS front, 4 room furnished apartment. N. Tower, PE 6-6022. ATTRACTIVE, spacious turn- Ished apartment. Large bathroom, modern, electric kitchen, large cedar lined closet, TV antenna.

Yeager's 108H W. Maple. Refrigerators, Freezers 106 TWO room apartment. $20. SH 8-8397.

REALLY nice 3 rms. and bath. All electric. TV antenna. 108 Nor Gold, Centralla.

Rooms tor Rent 92 COLUMBIA Hotel. Rooms, day, week or month. 601 No. Tower, Centralla, Wash. ItHlding Supplies 101 Building Supplies 101 Let The Building Bug Bite You With These Hot Reject Reject Door Prices OVER 200 Mahogany --Birch Fir Doors' Misc.

for Rent 97 ELECTRIC HAND 8AW3 ELECTRIC HAND SANDER FLOOR SANDERS EDQERS KNOWLES BUILDERS SUPPLY 1311 Harrison--CentraUa Phono PE 6-1833. LARGE storeroom for rent In Centralia. Opposite Safeway SH 8-4104. Building Supplies 10 SHINGLES--Reject No. 1, 11.25 bundle, Northwest Lumber Co 2x4--8' STUDS, 18c west Lumber So at North Chehalls COLUMBIA overhead met; door, siEe 8 by 7, new.

All mold ings to mount, $50. Call PE 5738. $1.98 ea. IDEAL for MAKING Coffee Tables, Picnic Tables, Wardrobe Doors, and Many Other Things. "Hurry Select Yours" Day Saturdays" Keen Howards' "Your Home Supply Store" 1 PHONE PE 6-7692 FREE DELIVERY (ACROSS FROM TWIN CITY DRIVE-IN) am, 103 Pacific Finance Loons Auto--Furniture--silry HI Eoutb Tower PB 6-3559 CeotrtUi, Wathert, Dryers 107 Miu.

for Sale USED and reconditioned wasn- ers. Wood and coal ranges, electric ranges, oil healers and refrlg. Coburn's Appliance, 1149 Park, Chehalls. Service 105 8 lce. UnU Refrigeration Service, 197 Market St Phone 6H 8-7733, hehalis.

CUBIC ft. Norge upright reezer. Excellent condition. 75.00. Phone SH 8-3254.

WANT ADS Bill Mil anything! REFRIGERATOR, freezer ompartment across top. Good ondltlon. $60.00. PE 6-7786. for Sale 108 WRINGER type washer, bed spring and mattress, 2 large chairs.

733 S. Silver, Centralla. Furniture for Sale 108 DAVENPORT set, SH 8-3454. FOR SALE: Hardwood folding chairs. Phone PE 6-5605.

DAVENPORT, chair, rose dolor. Thor washer. Refrigerator. Electric range. SH 8-8320.

Mite, for Sale no CHRONICLE Want Ads reach 10,000 paid subscribers dally. Unfinished Furniture carry a complete stock In many modern designs- Ready to paint or varnish. Tables, chairs, dressers, cupboards, stools, night stands, deslcs and many children's furniture. SAVE MONEY with these popular Do-It-Yourself Items KNOWLES Builders Supply Lumber and Hardware 1211 Harrison, Centralla Phone PE 6-3832. SPECIAL New 40-gal.

built-in type Electric Automatic Hot Water Heater. 10 year warranty, 169.25. ALSO available In 62 66 and 93 gal. sizes. Very best quality.

LEWIS PLUMBING HEATING 1018 West Phone PE 6-3451. RIVER gravel, delivered yard. Jim Teltzel. SH 8-3126 alter 6 p.m. ROTISSERIE and Phone PE 6-5761.

deep fryer Building Supplies 10 110 SPECIALS Qalv. PIJM 15c Ft. Bathroom Set Close coupled toilet, wiU hunf basin, 5 ft. steel tub. $99.95 Colored $11985 Builders' Bargain Barn 707 National Chehalls Phone SH S-S888 The Daily Chronicle, Friday, June 6, 1958 11 Misc.

for Sola 110 Bob KNAPF SHOES Meyers. Che. SH Legal RIVER BOTTOM SOIL Free ol Weed Seed Hauled Rousseau 1626 N. Pearl PE 6-4383 RIVER bottom top soil, delivered locally, $2.00 yard. SH 8-3126.

CLEAN your carpets with Blue Lustre. Leaves bright colors and flulfy texture. Gesler-McNiven Centralla. ANTIQUE love seat, 2 chairs In xcepttonally fine condition. New upright yscuum cleaner with disposal bags.

For less ban new price. Admiral model radio, phonograph, i29.95. Simmons twin rollaway jed, complete, $19.95, Selgler silchen oil heater, sell for of new price. 11" Corondo TV, $49.95. Exceptionally fine captain chairs, $14.95.

Solid brass ftredogs, tools, and screen, complete, $19.95. Violin and case, also guitar, each $12.50. Record cabinet, $6.50. Green daveno, $24.95. Apartment and 40" electric ranges, guaranteed perfect.

Bedroom sets, dining room sets, small chrome set, end tables, coffee table, rugs, lawn mowers, file new 6.70x15 recapped tire, Mosler safe, electric drill and sanflcr combination. 1 SWAP SHOP 2411 Harrison At Fords Prairie. Open 9 to 9. TOP SOIL, fill material, pit run gravel. Cascade Hauling 918 Centralla, PE 6-J907.

FOR SALE: Fill dirt. Call SH 8-7149. SH 8-8810 after 5. REVERE 8MM movie camera, model 99. Projector mode) 90.

Value $300. Sell $150. SH 8-8225, C115-3225. Building Suppliet 101 Building Supplies 101 FIR PICKETS 1x3--36" long each DC CALL FOB BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Tilt on IwU ted for irti tod trifls. meUl ihop tnd tnd home dtptrtnunU of ihe J-Jnlor BtbMl, will bt opened Fridtjr tflereoon.

June 27. US! it 1:00 P.M. In the olllce ot Board of DIrtelors tt 400 Welt Petr SIrtet. Ctnlralli. Wiihln(Uin, for it- 1IWJ 1st tnd 15th.

A copy o( Ihe ipecifkttlons may secured In the cttltt of Ihe Board SeerfUry or will be milled apoa q'jrst. The Botrd ct Directors reterrei right to tccepl or reject 107 or til bldt or to waive my (rrtgulirltiti tnd InlormillUes la bid or In til old- BOARD OF DIRECTORS CEN- THALIA JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. LEWIS AND THUBSTON COUNTIES, WA8H, INOTON By EVA J. COBB, EecnUry Just U. 20.

ANTIQUES direct from England. Brassware, chtna, ornaments, figucrines, buttons, fairy lamps, curios. All reasonably priced. On show every Sat. and Sunday afternoon, 12-1 p.m., 402 E.

Locust, Centralia. FOR SALE: Lady's new diamond ling set. $50.00. SH 8-4789. 2'NURSE'S new nylon uniforms, size 16, $11.50 for both.

CO 43508. Also see our display of REDWOOD PANEL FENCING BLAKELY HOUT Building Supply Friends On Miracle Mile Next To Wayne's Photo Phone SH 8-3377 Plywood "UNSANDED" 5 1 6 4 8 $2.19 ea. 3 8 4 8 1 $2.39 $3.20 3 4 4 8 $4.55 Birch Pops "SANDED" 4 8 $7.49 3 4 4 8 $9.95 "Open All Day Saturdays" Keen Howards' "Your Home Supply Store" PHONE PE 6-7692 FREE DELIVERY (ACROSS FROM TWIN CITY DRIVE-IN) AT KNOWLES' Reject Door Prices ARE INTERIOR MAHOGANY DOORS 24-inch and under $3.50 26-inch $4.95 28-inch' $5.10 30-inch $5.25 32-inch $5.50 36-inch $5.75 Bug Season IS HERE NOW CALL US to have your ol.d screens rescreened-or we will build you new ones. KNOWLES' Builders Supply LUMBER.HARDWARE Open All Day Saturday For Your Convenience .1211 Horrison, Centralla, Phone PE M832 REJECT 'BIRCH EXTERIOR DOORS Size $8.00 Size 8 5 0 REJECT MAHOGANY EXTERIOR DOORS Size $7.50 $8.00 INTERIOR BIRCH 32" Size $6.25 ea. 36" Size $6.50 ea.

Reject FIR DQQRS available In assorted sizes at similar savings! KNOWLES' Builders Supply LUMBER-HARDWARE Open Al! Day Saturday For Your Convenience 1211 Harrison, Phone PE 6-3832 Shop Knowles' Birch Plywood 4 8 Sheets (Pops) $10.75 Ea. NAILS 6-8 16 $12.50 Keg PAINT Utility Outside WHITE $2.98 GAL. KNOWLES' Builders Supply LUMBER-HARDWARE Open Ail Day Saturday For Your Convenience 1211 Harrison, Centralia, Phone PE 6-3832 24 INCH shafce blocks, $25.00 per tier. Phone YU 5-4830. POTATO planter and a 2 horse trailer.

Phone BR 3-5722. You're Smart TO BUY AN Aluminum Screen and Storm Door LOW AS $34.75 Special Feature Wepco Full 1" Thick Complete with all Hardware. $39.95 Regular $44.95 (90 Day Terms on All Storm Doors on Approved Credit) "Open All Day Saturdays' 7 Keen Howards' "Your Home Supply Store" PHONE PE 6-7692 FREE'DELIVERY (ACROSS FROM TWIN CITY DRIVE-IN) WINDOWS look like they're out when cleaned with Newspaper Glass Cleaner. It's amazing) Universal Furniture Co. BEFORE THE BOARD OT COrjNTT COMMISSIONERS FOR LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IS THE MATTER OP A PETITIOH FOR THE FORMATION OF A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT IN THE VI- C1MTY OF I A WASHINGTON NOTICE OF HKARIS'G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'(hit Ihe folloKin; petition vs predated to the Botrd of Lewis County Commit (loners: thtt Board his by reio- the llrd rUj cf June, 1SSI tt the hour c-f 10:00 a.m.; In the Com- mlsitoam' Office lit the In Washington, as the time tnd place tt the Commissioners Kill publicly hear Btld petition.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER. OWEN that Ihoit Interested either lor or against tatd petition ahltl appear tt the time and place herein fixed and may bt heard. DATED thil Wd day of June, (SEAL) W. O. SHEARER Auditor tod Cleric ot Botrd SINGER fully automatic sewing machine.

Cabinet and bench. YU 5-2248, Salkum. Wonted, Miscellaneous 111 USED goods, til kinds. 6-7JJ1. USED goods, all kinds.

Bob's Bargain House, 1175 Mkt. EH 8-7791. SMALL white enamel Olympla range, good baker, also wood. PE 6-9147. Fuel, Cool, Wood 114 GREEN edgings, big load, $7.

Joe's Fuel 812 No. Pearl, PE 6-3095. AVAILABLE now. Green hardwood, millrun. Big load 89.30 Including tax.

Earner Swenson Fuel Co. PE 6-5826. LEN COLE FUEL CO. Green Slab 16 cord. tnd 1 cord loads.

Dry slab and planer blocks. Call PE 6-5705 or EH 88716. GOOD clean green slab available now. Immediate delivery Chehalis-Centralla and vicinity. Central Fuel Co.

Phone SH 8- Pionoi 118 PETITION FOR THE FORMATION OF A Fill PROTECTION DISTRICT For the purpose of the formation ol lire protection district In the vl- clnlly of Mineral, Ihe undersigned qualified, registered elector, r.ov real- dents within the boundaries of tht proposed district, do hereby respectfully petition the Honorable Botrd of County Commissioners of County. Washington. In the area shown on tht attached msp and belnf described at folloTs: Begirding at the iculheait corner o'. Section 33, Township UN. Range! East.

W.M.. thence east IVi miles: thence south 7 miles: veet miles; thence south mile: IV, miles; thence north Jft mllea; thence ireit 3 milts; thence north Vi mile; tht nee tp tha Aoulhvest comer of Section 38, Tovn- thl; I6N, Range 1 East; r.orth 2 milts: thence east to Nlsquaily River; thence easterly along aetd river to its Intersection Tlth vest section line of Section 27, Tovnlp 15K, Range fi thenca south to the point of beginning, containing approximately 11 iquara miles. The purpose and object cE the creation of tali district Is for the elimination of fire hatards and for the protection cf Ufe and property vlthln laid districts from the hazards of fire aod. generally, to have all powers and to do all acti granted to fire protection districts under the laws of the State of Washington, and the undersigned petitioners allege, that the establishment of inch district Till be conducive to Ihe public safety, welfare and convenience and Kill bt a benefit to the property Included (SfONATTJRES OF PETITIONEHS) June 9, 20, IKS. Piano Tuning, rpg.

30 yrs. exp. P. W. Brown, 1635 Cascade.

SH 8-7855. Sporting Goods 128 20 INCH boy's bicycle. Call SH 8-7270. WATER skils, belts and tow ropes for rent. Mac's Sport Center, llth and Market.

Rental price of sklis Is applied to purchase price when you decide to buy. This plan exclusive at Mac's Sport Center only. Boots, Moron 130 14-PT. BOAT and trailer. AM 2-3378.

Call MERCURY Mark 25 electric, with battery and boat controls optional. Phone PE 6-3303 or PE 6-3493. 10' LAKE boat and trailer. Ph. PE 6-3426.

Pets 132 Chihuahua stud serv. 6-3038. STRAIOHTEYED Siamese kitten for sale. 731 So. Pearl.


FLEICIIEH, NO. 117JS NOTICE 1O CREDITORS NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVElf thai the underslgced Uaude Pletch er, has been appointed and baa qualified is the Executrix of tea estate of Roy J. rielcher, deceased. That all persons tgalnit said deceased, or agalnjt hla estate, are hereby required to serve Ihe aame. dlly verified, on the said Executrix, or her attorney 'of record tt the address belov stated, and the same with the Clerk of said Court, together ullh proof ol tucn service, within six (6) months after tha publication of this notice, or the tame will be forever barred.

DATE OP FIRST PUBLICATION Illy IS, H58. BEATRICE MAUDS FLETCHER. Executrix of thi estate of ROY J. FLETCHER, Deceased. Address: 101 Street Centrtlla.

Wishlciton LLOYD B. DYSART Attorney for Executrix Office Address: 306 North Pearl Street Lewis-Clark Hotel Bidg, Cenlralla, Washington Mailing Address: P. O. Box ss Ceatralia, Washington May 15, 59. 1151.

SIAMESE kittens, Cenlralia. $10. 1131 SPECIAL sale on baby parakeets. Davis. PE 6-769S.

MALE Boxer, registered thoroughbred, papers available. Gentle with children. Needs good home immediately. SH8- 8117. FEW German left.

SH 8-8980. Shepherd pups Junior Column 133 "NO charge Ss made lor one Insertion of ad In this column providing pet Is given free. GERMAN Shepherd dog, 4'4 months old. To give away. SH STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OP SUPERVISOR OF WATEB RESOURCES OLYMPIA NOTICE OF WATEK SIGHT APPLICATION NO.

1I7S3 TAKE NOTICE: That Page M. Sleelhaminer Cen, Washington ca May 3. 1BU, filed application for permit to divert the public waters of Chehalls River, In tha amour.l of .31 second foot, lublect to existing rlghlg. fro a April 15 to October 1 each year for the purpose of Irrigation, that the approximate point ot diversion loctted within Govt. Lot I of Section 3S.

Township Kan'ia W. W.M.. In Lewis Comity. Any objections mnat be accompanied by a two dollar ItJ.M] recording fee and filed with the State Supervisor of Water Resources wtthia thirty UO) days from May 55. WHr.ess my hand and official teal this 15th day ol Mai.

1)5). (SEAL) M. O. WALKER Supervisor of Water Resources. MAT 2i.


The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.