The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)

Precinct Worker Elected Mrs: Tom Hayes, Ccntralia precinct committeewoman, was elected to the biennial National Federation of Republican Women's convention scheduled for May in Washington, D.C. Announcement was made at the March meeting of the Lewis Republican Women's in the Chehalis P.U.D. A report by Mrs. E. G.

Woodward, Centralia, told of her at- at the recent Third Women's meeting in Mrs. Alfred Hamilton, also attended. Mrs. John VanNortwick, Che- president, announced a of officers and commit- chairmen with Mrs. George Centralia, on Tuesday.

A recorded speech by Mrs Schalafly, first vice pre- of the national organization, was played at the meeting's close. a a CENTRALIA Tuesday Riverside Women's Golf Club, 8:30 a.m., Riverside clubhouse. Centralia Women's Golf Club, 9 a.m., Elks golf course. SDA Dorcas Welfare Service, 10 a.m., church. Free Methodist Women's Missionary Society, 10 a.m., church, Soroplimist Club, noon luncheon, Lewis Clark Hotel.

OES Auxiliary, 1 p.m., Masonic Temple. St. Mary's Catholic Church Altar Society, 1 p.m., rectory. Akitsa Club, 1 p.m., Mrs. A.

Branch No. 6, Centralia General Hospital Auxiliary, 1:30 p.m., hospital. Centralia Emblem Club, a p.m. Elks home. American Legion Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Legion hall.

Town and Country Garden Club, 8 p.m., Mrs. Will Gray. Ivy Camp, Royal Neinhbors of America, 8 p.m., IOOF hall. CHEHALIS Tuesday Riverside Women's Golf Club, 8:30 a.m. Riverside clubhouse.

SI. Helen Hospital Guild No. 5, 1 p.m. hospital. Royal Neighbors of America, 1:30 p.m.

Legion hall. St. Joseph's Altar Society, 1:30 p.m. school meeting room VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Legion Hall. Shape bulk sausage meat into patties and fry until well browned.

In a casserole, alternate layers of sausage patties and pear wedges sprinkled with lemon juice and brown sugar. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Dally Chronicle, Monday, April 3, 1967 5 I Chronicle Women's Page Centralia Dl.l 7364311 Chchallt 74J-33U Surprise Party Fetes Behind the scenes of any successful endeavor are those who work with quiet efficiency, each member of the group carrying out with responsibility the task to which she has been assigned. Contributing their share to the ease with which persons were able to enjoy a lejsurely luncheon at the annual spring fete of the United Presbyterian Women at the Centralia Pres- byterian Church on Friday crew" members, from left, Mrs. William Halliday, Mrs.

George Stephens and Mrs. Sylvia Bever. Others on the food preparation and serving committee were Mrs. James Campbell, Mrs. Dan a a a Mrs.

Richard Quarnstrom and members of the Mary Circle. Chronicle Staff Photo A surprise party at the Chehalis home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werner honored Mr. Fritz Wolfisbcre, Centralia, on his 70th birthday in March.

More than 70 relatives and friends joined in the celebration which featured cards and music played by Swiss musicians. A buffet supper with a birthday cake as dessert was served at midnight. Invited guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ridge, DCS Molnes; Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Steiner, Mr. and Mrs, Lynn Schaeffer; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schaetfer: Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Ulrich and Bob, Puyallup; Mr. and Mrs. Don Earl" Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Burgi Mr. and Mrs. Al Linggi, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Portman, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Hospeiithal, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Imhof, Mr. and Mrs.

Louie Ulrich; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stump Mr. Bill Hensou, Mr. nnd Mrs.

a Fassbind, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Les Haugen, Tacoma. Also Mr. and Mrs.

Louie Favor, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Lc- roy nie, Schwarlzenbcrger, Kent; Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Blaser, Mr.

and Mrs. Don Wiclcll, Mr. and Mrs. George Zaikowski, Mr. and Mrs.

I Bob Mocan, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Mocan, Miss Joyce Blaser and Terry Hickcy, Centralia; land, Paul and Manley Niemcziek, Francis; Miss Agnes Moser, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moser, Sumncr; Mr.

and Mrs. flottleih Hibary, Mr. and Mrs. Mel KnmUson, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs.

John Balmer, Orting; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Slump Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schalz and Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Favcr, Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Olympia; Mr. and Mrs.

Gordon Taylor and Mrs. Mac Emmerson, Winlock OESTo Install Winlock's newly elccled officers of the Adah Chapter, Order of Eastern Star will ho installed in open ceremonies Saturday at p.m. in the Winlock Masonic Temple. Mrs. John Millman and Mr.

Millman will be installed worthy a and worthy palron. Mrs. II. D. Spargur and Mr.

Spargur are In be installed associate matron and patron. N'cw secretary of the group is Mrs. II. Petrie and Mrs. Thenrtore Mcister will be instal- Chchalis.

ns the row treasurer. The chnplain will bo Mrs. ,1. T. An- slicc and the marshall will be Mrs.

Earl Others lo he installed include Mrs. Emil Asken, Mrs. George Mallard, Mrs. E. W.

Leonard, Mrs. C. Davis. Mrs. Harold l.ockiviillor.

Mrs. Nelson Mrs. Robert a Mrs. Final plans for (he Cascade r)cm SchwarU. Mrs.

A. Fitch, Nelson Mrs. Mary BurRcncr, Stirryl and Ron- Scaltlc; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oregon Conservative Meet Favors Reagan Flattering Printed Pattern COTTAGE GROVE, (AP)--The United Republicans 1 of Oregon favor California Gov.

Ronald Reagan for president and want a naval blockade of North Vietnamese ports. The conservative wing of the Oregon Republican party held its second annual convention Saturday, electing Thorf, Anderson of Lake Oswego to succeed Ralph Wade of Grants Pass as state chairman. One of 20 resolutions passed said they believe "A state of war exists between the United States and North Vietnam" and that "There is no other alternative than to use the full utilization of all the nation's resources." An overwhelming majority of the 130 delegates voted for Reagan in a presidential poll. A few voted for former Vice President Richard Nixon. There were no votes for Sen.

Charles Percy, Sen. Mark HatfieW, Gov. George Margarine Bill Passed OLYMPIA (AP) Legislative action was completed Saturday on a bill to permit use of margarine in schools and state institutions. The House approved the bill 75-15 Saturday over protests the farm block which said thi measure would permit use colored lard. The bill repeals a slate lav which provides that no margar ine or other butter substitutes will be used in any educational charitable hospital, medical, re formatory or penal institution which receives state money, ex cept when margarine is suppliec for distribution by agencies the federal government.

omney of Michigan and Gov. lelson Rockefeller of New 'ork. The URO vote contrasted to a oil taken last month at the Republicans' Dorchester Conter- nce at Gearhart. There Romey won with 64 votes, followed Percy with 58 and Rockefel- er with 56. Nixon received 35, nd Reagan, 17.

Anderson said "When Reagan poke at Eugene in February, ie got a standing ovation from all the Republicans who were here. On the other hand, not a ingle URO member that 1 know was invited to tho Dorchester Conference." Among resolutions were those opposing a sales or new income ax for Oregon, opposing speak ers who are considered "unde sirable or advocates of Sex or gies, drugs and filthy speech state supported college ant university campuses and on supporting people's right to jear arms. On civil rights, their resolu tion said, "We believe all men are entitled to equality nndei law, with equality of respon sibilily as well as Dial FISH For Help PORTLAND, Ore. (API Portland area residents soo will be able to dial F-I-S-H the telephone and get immed ate volunteer help for cmergen cies. The United Church Women Portland plan to hire an execu live secretary and pay for lu telephone lines.

Volunleers will baby-sit, tak people to the doctor, clea house and perform other gency services. FAMOUS FOR FLATTERY, dart shaped skimmer eases down the figure from a side- curved collar. Very simple to sew in cottons, blends. Printed Pattern 9138: Half Sizes 12V4, Size requires 3 yards 39 inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS in coins for each pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for first class mailing and special handling.

Send to Marian Martin, Pattern 232 West 18th New York, N. Y. 10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. EVERYTHING NEW 115 most wanled fashions, fabrics, accessories in new Spring- Summer Pattern Catalog.

All sizes! Clip coupon in Catalog choose one pattern free. Send 50 cents now. DRESSES arnel jersey winners comparable value 10.99! Major league fashion opens the season in bold pennant stripes plays ail season in pack-and-go arnel triacetate jersey and keeps its championship form. Sure to be Most Valuable Dress you own! and 99 6 ours each SPECIAL! All Sizes AGILON PANTY HOSE Reg. $1.99 50 mode o'day 214 N.

TOWER CENTRALIA BPW Visitations Noted Mr. and Mrs. Charles Btaser, ilr. and Mrs. John Fishback, Mr.

and Mrs. Denny Mauel, Mr. lud Mrs. S. Guenlher, Mr.

and Urs. Emil Spahr Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osborne, Mr. and Several members of the Ccn- alia Chehalis Business and rofessional Women's Club at- nded events last Saturday and mday at Seaview and the Uni- ersity of Washington in Seattle, was told at a regular meet- Grange Sets ril Dinner Ap Eight new members were ini- ated into the Fords Prairie rfange at a regular meeting ecently.

It was also decided to ave a dinner open lo the pubic at the Grange hall April 9, Among Ihe new members ini- iafed were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse cnnings, Mr. and Mrs. William Saker, Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Martin, Grace Snyder and Paul Ballelli. The Grnge plans to start the April 8 meeting at 7 p.m. and have a short business session ing last week. The regular meeting, which was attended by three guests, was held at the home of Mrs.

Harl H. Parker of Chehalis. The guests were Mrs. Raibin Strouse, Mrs. Helen Deacon and Mrs.

Louise Higbec. Mrs. Higbce is a former Ccntralian. Mrs. Jack Van Noy, sccrclary- treasurer, and Mrs.

W. C. Lip pert, president, were to attend Sunday's spring conference at Seaview. Mrs. Lippert and Mrs Helen Smith were among others who attended the seminar at the UW Sunday in Seattle.

Mrs. Lippert requested pictures and items of interest frorr the Twin City area for a scrap book being compiled by the slate organization. Mrs. Maude Meyers was in charge of the program. She spoke on public relations.

The hostess, assisted by Miss Frances Brill ot Chehalis, served the group after the evening meeting. Mrs. Ben BalmelH and Miss Trudy Mauler, Chehalis. Oilier invited guests were the Messrs. Jake Kacch, Babe Eng- LPN's Plan Tuesday Meet The regular meeting of the Lewis County District Licensed Practical Nurses Association will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.

in the conference room of Ihe St. Helen Hospital. Delegates to the slate convention scheduled May 14 In We- nalchee will be selected. After the business meeting, the members are invited to attend a knit fashion show at the Olympic School in Chehalis. The show is sponsored by the Lewis Counly Menial Health and Menial Helardalion Association.

Mr. Gordon Hey, president, will speak on (lie function of the association. Cascade League Plans Told Final plans for (he Cascad League Flower Show, as a of Morton logger's Jubilee in August, were made recently at the home of Mrs. Henry Slilt- ncr. Members measured the Morton Grade School gymnasium before the meeting so a staging could be planned.

Now tier tables will be added for displays in the horticulture divisions. The Mossyrock Garden Club will hosl delegates from eiuht clubs at a business meeting Friday at 1 p.m. in Bca's Cafe in Mossyrock. a i i a i will be clubs from Rnndle, Morton, Packwoml, Ajlime, Kosmos, Glenoma, Mineral and Die Qis- cade League from Morton. Attending the business meeting at the home of Mrs.

Stiltncr were Mrs. Leo Bristol, Mrs. Pal Ixive- land, Mrs Ken a i nnd Mrs. Willie Lindberg. i a man.

nnd Mrs. Karl Bow- For Ibis easy sparkling Hood salad, prepare a fj lime flavored gelatin using singer ale for pnrl of the liquid. Thou chill until thick and syrupy and pour over halved ami cored (rt'sh pears arranged in a shallow pan or mold. Chill until firm and cut it) squarrs to serve, allowing a pear half for each serving. To make a collar (or a dish, place a wide strip of loll! (double thickness) around outside ot the dish, overlapping Ihe ends.

Secure the foil with a piece of string. Facttard Boll COLOR TV QUALITY ra TV Service 748-3212 GEORGE CHAMPLIN TV Downtown Choholli early. Several members have ndicaled that they would like attend the gavel meeting at he Lincoln Creek Grange that evening. In addition to the public dinner April 9, an open house is scheduled aArpil 22. William Schoelkopf, Mrs.

Walter Peterson and Mrs. a Steelhammer took part in lighting a centennial candle for the 100th anniversary of Grange. Mrs. Schoelkopf was named a delegate lo the state Grange convention. WAKE UP YOUR WARDROBE Spring wealher is right around Ihe corner and your wardrobes should be prepared for the demands to be made on it.

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The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)
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