The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)

Train Rate Increased WASHINGTON (AP) The Interstate Commerce sion granted the nation's rail- rosds today an interim freight rat? increase on m-jst commodi- to The ICC said in a statement its decision modifies its June 19 ruling that permitted the railroads to file tariffs limited to no more than 3 per cent. It excluded Way's authorization higher rates for grain, iron, steel scrap and iron, saying increases in those ratei must remain at the 3 per cent rate set last June. Trie ICC saM its f.nal decision will be made later. Meanwhile, it said, it will permit the higher rate BOW because "of a critical need en tie pact of the railroads for additional revenu; to offset increased operating costs." Ths railroads filed petitions for rate Increases last March. The 3 to 10 per cent selective increase would provide an estimated $566.2 million in additional revenues.

Tis ICC said the increases can take effect on one day's notice but are subject to an automatic refund if the final decision determines the schedules are unwarranted in whole or in part. Amend Present Law The Doily Chronicle, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 1968 Legislature May Allow California Wine Sale Dying Man Confesses BURNABY, B.C. (AP)-Herb Wilson claimed before his death that hj led a seven-year crime spree in which he and his gang of safeb'owers netted $16 million In the United States. Herb, 87, died in August, leaving his widow, Amelia, $33,263 and the hope that a letter will tell her where to find a fortune.

She believes the msney, taken in the 1920s, is hidden somewhere in the interior of British Columbia. "I have a hunch, though, that he asked someone to hold some papers for him and post them to me sjrne I'm; after his death," she said. Mrs. Wilson said her husband told her to take his ashes within a year cf his death into the United States, which deported him after he served 12 years in San Quentin. "He wanted to show the authorities he cou'd still cross line." she said.

the After seeking legal advice, Mrs. Wilson said she plans to take the ashes to Los Angeles "fnr the orob- ably then to Sacramento, Calif. ALL BOOKED UP Saturday were Hirry left, and Liiws, to-ehilrmtn of a Liens Club drivt is send outdated books frcm Lewis County schools to Philippine Islandi, they art eJuMralely Klnnear Doer Co. in Fort Bcrtl Park to which will be liken lo KaUma for enfolding and shipment. An eitimjtid beoki have collected by the club.

--4 Chronicle Stiff Photo SPOKANE (AP) The 1969 Washington legislature is expected to get a controversial bill allowing of California vims In Washington grocery stores. The 3l-mmbtr Legislative Council gave iti stamp of ap- roval to the measure during an 11 day meeting In Spokane. The council rejected proposals reorganiie the state government's executive branch and al- ow the governor to appoint four eparlment heads now elected statewide vote. The so-called "California Wine Sill" was recommended, by the ouncil's fommiilee on commerce and industry. It would mtnd existing SVashington li- uor laws to permit the sale of out-of-state wines in retail es- ablishments such as grocery Under current law out-of-state can be bought only at tate liquor stores.

The council put an amendment into the bill which would Defense Department Told To Investigate Plane Cost WASHINGTON (AP The Defensj Department and the General Accounting Office were asked todiy lo undertake full- scale investigations of why the C3A cargo plane-backbone of airlift planning for the next decade-may cost $1.2 billion more than original estimates. The demand was made by- Sen. William Proxmire, chairman of the Senate-House Economic Committee that recently heard testimony on contract overruns for the world's largest airplane. It would be a defection of duty, said Proxmire, for Congress to permit payment "of such an exhorbttant increase in contract costs without scrutinizing the reasons given for the increase and, indeed, the entire circ*mstances." "In view of the testimony we received in our hearings," tha senator said, "very serious questions about the cost of the plane have been raised. For example, there is'some evidence that poor management on the part of the contractor may be a significant cause of the increase in cost." Earlier this month the Air Force said the price of the CSA could run billion over original estimates of $3 billion for the first 120 planes.

Later, however, The higher price for the four-engine behemoth has been attributed to increased costs for abor and materials, introduc- iion of new technology and unexpected technical troubles. The C5A is designed to carry roops as well as big equipment like tanks and (rucks. The first model flew last spring and the Pentagon has maintained the craft will exceed performance gurantees of Lockheed. Proxmire asked the General Accounting Office, spending watchdog for Congress," to report to him within six weeks. At the same time, he wrote to 1'.

ACROSS 28.A!teriatlv« 30.Voi*psirc,t!«tnst 33.Ytl'o* tuber 8. Mandible 35. Cere si seed II.Bctttrine 35.Abyss 12. Iflfiivitol 33.Chjn£eco!cr 13. Cindleut trie O.

Fli jhtless biri RSeccnWani 42. Chalices S- ruler 19. 3. Debaxhe 50. Personality SOLUTION Of YWMDAY'S fUZZlf 53.Gossaner sorctrj SS.r.Vmtli DOWN 2.

Buifu 3. End ol bread I S. Ceramics 6.1ik 7.CorclIal((f E.Shccl 38 3 1 10. Stuff 6, iO.Sctfir.5 1 23. te ppjr 24.

Pep pycocli 25. Grairpus 27.Jip.cij!c»t 32.QutrIes 39. World Wilton 11-26 LOCAL TV-3 CHANNEL Tomorrow Wednesday On TV 3 Lceal News Nocn, 5:00 :15 10:28 Film "Fish, Moen, and Tides The Grvnlon Courtesy ef Timberfand Library Demonstration. 10:45 11 Channel Report "What's Doing" today en all TV Channels available lo Cable Subscribers. BRUNCKTIME "Flavorful Fruits" Food Buyers' Demonstration with Perron.

Film "Anatomy ef an Accident" Courtesy of Timberland library Demonstration. 4:30 Visit. YOUR TOWN, MY TOWN, Chehalis Music Presents Bruce Barkis at the Organ. 5:45 Ccachts Bench Basketball Prevue. Color ti Never Better Than On Coble TV.

Cflll 736-9933 For Derails. TWIN CITY CABLEVISION 1724 South Gold Sming The Areo "in response querrics," the Air Force put the figure at a more conservative $1.2 billion. At the same time, the Pentagon said the C5A contract pro- i'ides safeguards for the government and for LoAheed Aircraft maker of the frame, and General Electric mates Ihe engines. which Secretary of Defense Clark XI Clifford urging Clifford to direc personally a study ot "the enor mous cost overruns. 1 fa his lelter to Comptroller Genera! Elmer B.

Staats, head of the GAO, the senator sail "the option under which the Ds partment of Defense could obli gate itself to pay as much as billion in excessive cost is du to ba exercised by January 31 1969. 'I am formally requesting that you take whatever step may be necessary to preven the signing of this option your report is made to the Con gress." The senator wrote Clifford he hoped "you will instruct the re sponsible officials in the Depart ment of Defense to give thei fullest cooperation with th GAO investigating team, an that your own task force stud) group will make an objectiv and comprehensive s'udy a soon as possible." He Has 11 Bullet Holes But Acts Quite Lively SEATTLE (AP) Bobbie your It came Ray Johnson has nine bullet wounds in his head, one through his right wist, hospital attendants police say, but he's up and around at the Johnson, 33, of Waldport, was shot with 22-caliber pistols as he sat in a car with other men early Sunday. "I thought was dead when a guy put a gun against the back of my head and fired," he said Monday night at the hospital where he is walking around. ''After the third bullet hit me, I knew I wasn't dead, and I started fighting." He said he met the two men 'n front of a restaurant, and (old him they wanted (o so he got in their car Jeside the driver while the other man sat in the back seal. 4 a parking lot," Johnson said, "Ibe driver turned to the man in back, asking, 'What's Filipinos Missing MANILA (AP) Sixty-three Filipino fishermen are missing in the wake of typhoon Seniang.

the second storm to rake the central Philippines within a week. The men were aboard five boats which capsized and sank in shark-infested waters. Eight survivors were reported picked "P- The typhoon ripped into the region during the weekend, killing at least it other perons. In another storm earlier last week, at least 28 persons were reported killed. blast with the gun pressed righ against the back of my head.

Johnson said he wrested th gun from one of the men bu threw it out of the car when discovered it was empty. Then as he got out of the car, th other man fired two more time trated his skull, a hospital a tendant said, although one two may have lodged under th skin of his face. One bullet wa as at him. None of the bullets pen removed. Johnson said that when left the car he knocked at house, but the woman who an swered wouldn't let him in call police, so he walked to hi own car two blocks away, an a friend, who was waiting fo him, drove him to the hospita Johnson said he once lived i Seattle and came back to try to borrow money to buy a ba in Waldport.

He has five children in th Oregon town, and his wife Joan, is in a hospital at N'e- port, for a sixth. Executives Released PARIS (AP) Students i. Nanterre University, the birth place of Ihe student revolt la: May, released two French ai cratt industry executives the were holding hostage Monda when police rushed (o the subu ban campus. The students flee The students grabbed the tw businessmen as hostages fo two students arrested Sunda for distributing leaflets. The ex eculives had gone to the campu to lecture on their specialty.

LIVE MUSIC! Come one come oil and enjoy THE TRENDS Featuring GARY SHEARER One of Portland's Greatest Musicians And Formerly with Ihe original Trends. WED, NITE 9:30 to 12:30 At The NOR'WESTER RESTAURANT 1232 Alder, Centralia the ilate to collect a 26 per cent tax from retail cs- abllihmenU selling wine. The proposed executive brunch reorginizallon and elimination of certain elective offices filled by narrow margins to receive Ihe council's approval. bills called for amending state constitution to allow Ihe governor lo reallocate the functions of principal departments and agencies of the executive branch. The reorganization would be subject to Ihe approval of the legislature.

A companion bill envisioned the elimination of the secretary of slate, state treasurer, super- of public instruction and commissioner cf public lands as elective officials. Ttie governor would have been authorized to transfer the func- cf these either to another agencies of state government or to appoint the four department heads. The sentiment of opponents to Presbyterian Minister Cleared Of Conviction SEATTLE (AP) A Seattle 'resbyterian minister who Jed his congregation in revolt igainst the parent United Pres- yterian Church was cleared Monday of a conviction of attempting to split the church. The Seattle Presbytery bad bund the Rev. Dr.

James L. Rohrbaugh, pastor of the Law. elhurst Presbyterian Church lere, guilty of schism and contumacy last June 11. The judicial commission of he Presbyterian Synod of iVasbington Alaska overturned Presbytery's conviction Monday. But "William F.

Devin, Dr. Rahrbaugh's attorney, said the Soviets Rap Art MOSCOW (AP) Conservative Soviet arlists were told at the opening of their national congress today that "quests for self expression" have no place in Soviet art. Representatives of the member Union of Artists, all practitioners of "Socialist realism," began a three-day meeting in the Hail of Columns in centra! Moscow. With Communist Party General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev and Premjer Alexis N.

Kosygin sitting on the platform, sculptress Yekaterina Belashova gave the keynote roeech and told the 700 degates they shouU Ml permit "barren quests lo imitate others, and originality for the sake of originality." She condemned abstract arl and other "modernist trends" that "obliterate the difference between reality and its reflec tion in art." Several artists have been expelled from the union in the past year for associations with Moscow's dissident intellectual movement. Reservists Out Early WASHINGTON' (AP) More than 2,300 Air National Guardsmen will be released from active duty several months early and in time to be home for Christmas or ew Year's Day the Air Force said Monday. Among the men to be re- released are members of the B6th Aerial Port Sqdn. at McChord Air Force Base, Wash. The McChord group and several others reportedly are to be out of uniform by Dsc.

12. reversal was based on procedure rather than on merits the case. Devin said a new trja would granted or charges may be dismissed. Dr. Rohrbaugh and his congregation contend that the Con fession of 1967 adopted by the parent church has placed the church into social revolution and politics.

He was charged with schism in leading the effort to divorce bis congregation from the parent bsdy. The contumacy (con tempt) charge was lodged when he refused to appear before the church trial. A similar effort in Georgia to split two local congregations from the parent Presbyterian Church has been carried to ihi U.S. Supreme Court. The Hillcrest Presbyterian Church's congregation in Seat tie also has claimed the righ to retain the church property and now is looking, with Dr Rohrbaugh's church, towan the Supreme Court ruling the Georgia case.

Koreans le proposed changes seem to 9 that the elective had -rved their function ia the past nd there was co overriding rea- on to change now. Proponents of the reorganlza- on said It was a move toward Ireamtiniog and modernizing government in step with times. The council refected by arrow js-u margin a draft bill up coroner districts iroughogl the state. Rep. Slade orton, House COP floor leader the last legislature, argued he district coroner system id be too costly for small compared to the present system of county coroners.

In other business, the council: --Adopted a committee recommendation relating to the death disability of the governor. -Approved legislation crest- ng a department of pathology nd a laboratory at the Uci of Washington. --Adopted a recommendation elling up a system of "off, ear' 1 general elections (or state ride voting on referendum measures, inltiatige proposals md suggested constitutiona' imendments. The gubernatorial succession bill would give the State Su preme Court the authority to determine when a governor unable to serve to disabil ty or death. The line of sue cession would be lieutenant gov tfixr, president of the Senat and speaker of House.

William S. Day, Spokane, said the proposed path olojy facility for the University of Washington could be operated Exercise SEOUL fAP) The South Korean army, one of the Urges in the world, launched a five day field exercise today just be low the demilitarized Called operation "Flying Ti ger," it is the first full arm) level exercise to be held alon the 151-mile truce zone that vides North and South Korea an army official said. Previous ly the army held its annual wa games in reserve corps area far below the DMZ. The exercise is designed evaluate defense readiness all frontline units against possi hie Communist aggression from the North, the army said. Soul Korean infantrymen will coord nate with Korean and U.S.

Ai Force and naval elements, in eluding units of the U.S. Is Corps group. The U.S. Corps controls tw U.S. divisiops, four South Ko rean divisions and a Korea marine brigade.

'Anil' Ball Slated CINCINNATI (AP) -An un derground newspaper circula on the Xavier Universil campus and pledged to an ant war theme says it will stage il own "coming out" party whe the ROTC holds its military ba Dec. 7. It will be tagged the an ball, the nswspape "Attempt" said. CHEHALIS STARTS WED. FOR 5 DAYS MGM, Plus The stormy one I nod urn Speedway 6:45 10:15 Chubauo conjunction with the univers- ty's School of Medicine and irovide expert scientific Jation (ot county coroners.

Day estimated the cost of the acilily at but said some live money could eome from ederal sources. Other measures approved by he council would make it iUegal tamper with odometers of vehicles and require dealers to urnlsh the names of previous owners of used cars. Also approved was a measure change retirement pay or judges, which now is 50 per cent of their salaries after 13 service. The new proposal calls for retirement pay of per cent of salary' but no judge couid retire until reaching 65 of age. Friday Night! at CiviC HOllEN Preductiens ENDS TONITE 16 Over Please DEBORAH KERB DAVID NIVEM SHA ri-Sil toh Del.i! Shown Twice Nightly 7:35 9:40 STARTS WED.

FOR 7 DAYS Shown Twice Nightly At 7:15 9:40 YOUR CENTRALIA. CHEHALIS A STORES SAVE NOW! CHARGE IT! THESE SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES SPECIAL Closeour Groups Men'j and Boyi' Sport Sfiirls. All' at Reduced Prices, Long and Short Sleeves, Knifs and woven Styles. Men's White Dreis Shirts. Broken Sliei.

Short a Long Sleeves. Men's Sanforized Flannel Work SMrfs, Fong tails Odds and Ends Wash Cloths Odds and Ends Hand Towels $5 $2,98 380 680 Closeout Bathroom Rug ind Toilet Set How Check Ihe Sptclal Tables el Family Shoes ALL AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES Closeoul Misses' Long Sleeve Shirl-Shirti at $1 Big Selection Misses' Bulky Knit Cardigans Nice Group Girls' Sweilers end Slicks All Clem-Up Priced Girls' Coats REDUCED, Compare Pricti Odd Lois ind Sizes Boys' Ptnnprest Tubular Braided Rug Runiwrs, J7xl04 2.22 7,99 1,44 2.50 $6 Special New Plastic Sewing BasVets Novelty Damatk Table Cover Sels with Ktpkini (0 Specfal LOW PRICES NOW ON REMNANTS SPECIAL PRE-HOUIDAY CUOSEOUTS OH WOMEN'S DRESSES SAVE NOW AT 5 1 5 0 Pick these Specials at Centralia Sstore 21 only Junior Sue Bonded Knit Jumpers. Reg. SS 4 511 Now Special Selection Girls' Tighls Women's Textured Parity Hon Better Quality Cotlon Flannd Prints and Asso 99ji uKlf Collon FlinneI Prints Tied Fabrics yards Boys' Long Sleeve Swell SWrls Pick these Special at Centralia Store 44 2 3 1,09 New Shipment Spring Colors of Rends Pfinti Kapok Pillows, regular sue Pillow Tubing Cases, Printed for Embroidering Decorative Felt Pieces For Holiday Trims II only Kiddies' Hooded Sweat Shirts, Closeeuls il Group Girls' Better Blouses 1. 2.88 3, Jr.

Misses' Pants Drastically Redded..

The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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