The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

re 11. ttx Wnr ABaT. Aarrj Oi. AA B' 7 Mas and IWhyatte Oil. at o'clock, at the Wabash.

Ware ,1 rltoa street 11. Shoes aad Bmm and pry Goods, Ac, at 1 o'clock. at Na. TT Jr oJewett ielto General MerchMidke, at o'clock, at Mirror, Ao 'V Maaonle. rrtfMt WASHINGTON LODGB No.

eft. Grand Lodg Zrl 1 tbi. iMilll: ...4 Wli utMi no. ry rth District meet tine tTWUH. odd Feiiowo.

way. mix. na is. noom xtaa rci 'afcS AR LOdk Potar Stav ItoU. St, Loola gCLVMHU LOIHi in their HalL Allien, meU J.aKlC LOlHiK SI.

In their HaR, Joffrreon City, 'mnwNLOENo. S9. Wnahl gtoa Hall, Third i Red Me. araniS Na, 1. corner.of Ferdido an Baronne 17 afreet, a sowthlk evening.

tiJteiiifals rafting Gfa gaj. fSee LutFiM.1 cJfWe OREGON, Myera, 4 P. M. can. MMttnl nonmao, IUA.A.

IIKMrfl.UwUmlA.M Woerch LAHTTE. Michel, 10 A. ft. Stir Vmtm a P. Ml PERRET.

Loatailier. P. M. Bayo Sara Oaa LAUKEL H1LU LnirB CORA. Gripon, P.

M. PIS, Scott, 4 P. K. a K. F.

SASS, Brr.r riite KANST BULLITT, pnham.F.aL m. kennbtt. Dwjr. at fcaaisrii JlttnjJi Arkansas Rinr A NOLO SAXON. Baker.


Walker. P.M. irr.SWAN, Hay P. M. Meeiira River.

fbirliin Iflvrr StZTL "'SlANlTi. lioow P. WCTETS THROl'GH TO NEW YORK ONLT iSabr Saeiiaswp iteamot from Mobile to Mont JTTf I Line ateamera leare daily by pickets apply R. OKUUES. Aernt.

10 bank Place. "ilinT r. a Flitner. master, from Irrmol. im now ready diacbarge ber cargo at Port 4a, CoBRee.

are reqoerted to take out their Srmiiawrthratbenvedaya, and attend the receipt of far firight an the leree, otherwue tt wiU be stored at air epee aad riak. ft ASHB RIDGE 1a) Common atreet. Kent. RJiiSHED SOOALS TO RENT, No. Royal nis 11 TT iTffOOD soldi our lull power oi attorney.

jut Ber act paaseo oetore rwn i.wwi; Oriemaa, Ncrrember IT. 1KS7. nj lmjl C'oaJ Coal. THREE pain boaia. containing Tl.nm bnabela Hawea 1 CcaLto arrire and looked for daily.

For aale by aia M. B. BRADT A 91 Qrarieratreet. Frrarh Blaafceta. HrrtHTED per aunJry eael from HaTre, tno bale Whirr rrench Blauketa, of the well known and faror nrfJ" GACTHERIN A CO Vifivl Dallarn Krwird.

nmn fin doltara for the remrrrr "Tt atolen from mT hooae laat Sarur dav if fat and twenty nre dollars for the ron ay John E. Hyde A Sona. London, No. withaaflTecdial handnomely hgvreoL aiatJ? tJAS. P.

FRERET. Cotton Prrav Katice ta Jailars. Aja XWEITI FIVE DOLLARS REWARD Ran ill away ea the i Norember the alare man MOSES. A fuiblark, a rtout, beary, tqnare built man, badly I1 whipped baucht of Mr. Palmer, Clinton, JJ In i ulinl inoath Carolina.

Tnia alare. if ar jouo. not (ire hi proper name nor marter'a Ht liaiirfnr tar Jackaoa kiiroad. and may go farther in the a Mj. Jailor will notice the description and will be T.

HATCHER, 'Bfad'W'tf 1ST Common street. Far Sale. THE abBcrlber offer to sell, on accommodating term, a Tract of Land or SUGAR PLANTATION, of xvo acres, aa Bayov Black, Terre Bohne parish, three miles ant on bath aides and six to nine miles from the Tier V6ke drpot of Ih OprUnia and Nets Orleans Railroad toa JOtob being naiKble at all seasons to this ptare There are J00 arpens af this plantation under fence, well aUteae and most of it in cultivation; 1 arpens more btt Sera cnlti hot not under fence Thr place msy aKUaedirfaleointotww or more, and will be aowi tn one ar atnal The eharacter of the anil for Bugar. adraa lorarkm. rtiwiatr.

make it erery way desirable foe pefsro wishm to rnajre in the Suirar btuinrss. jd newill be sappued, if a sale is made before tlx end of be year, sufficient to rir a crop the second year. Abo. A TRACT OK COTTON LAND, on the East side the Taano Rirrr, ia the roMtr of Washington. af two acres, adjoining the Fisk Plantation.

and beginning one mile from the bank of the rrrrr. There are acre deadened the past summer, and the place laid out by actoai surrey in the must eligible manner for large inv BroTementa. The tract is compact and is descritwl as one af the beat ia that section. aaxBttSI Por terms, Acapplicaiiun tnav be made to luy lricnus EKW ITT. NORTON A CO New Orleans, or to "myself, ar Tirrrriile Post Office.

La. T.GIBSON. Oak Forest, Nor. 14, nl ttawtda Caat Iraa Water and Oava Pipes. art) inch.

CAST IRON PIPES, 9 feet lengths. Mb 9 S'aao 9 tO 9 iwHn cx ship Cashire. for aale by PKIESTLET A BEIN. aT 89 and 91 Camp street. Barrlay's Loadaa Perter.

1C CASKS, in quarts, just arrived and for aale by lit) T. F. MURRAY. and 1 Bieneille street, who ssfcrs tte article at a less price than tt can be purchased Viae in New Orleans. Cocee House keepers are irri nested sseall and examine it T.

F. MURRAY, aUT tdl 1 19 and il Bienrilie street. 'ream Ale. 100 11BLS. Ponltney A Massey's XX CREAM ALE.

tu arrive per steamship Granada, which now lie Btauaracdise, and ia expected hourly at her wharf, by T. P. MURRAY. MT St 19 and 81 Bienville street. Xante CUT BABRELS.

landing ex ship Milton and for sale by yO THOMPSON A BARNES. at? at 33 and A Common street. Cirranu tt( EOXES, BUadiBxex ship Miltoa and for sale by tHI. THOMPSON A BARNES. alT St and 3s Common street.

Pepper. fn BAGS lanAng ng ex ship W. H. Prracott. VU ai fox aale by THOMPSON A BARNES, S3 and 3 Common street.

trO BAGS LAGUATRA Af bo bags OLD JAVA, landrajrex ship W. H. Prracott, Badf rsaicby THOMPSON A BARNES. aw it 83 and 25 Common street. Pswrbtif Teav.

80 HALF CHEMi iaiuiing ex ship W. H. Prracott, and iur asic by THOMPSON a. BARNES. 17 itt 88 ana Common street.

Itt era. CA CASES Hostetter's, Buker' aad Gooly Bitters, in iU store, for sale St tnOKPSOS A BARNES. t)lT gt and ts Common street. tCaOee Haaae far OFFER for sale, for the sum of Three Thousand DoU taT. cash, bt Cefe House known a the ECLIPSE COFFEB HOC3E.

corner of Elyaian Fields and Moreau aVeeta. The stock of Liquors amounts to Fifteen Hun tod DoUais. Th daily receipts anvmnt from 9iS to ou. baair on the nrcauaea. an at GEORGE HAMSOX.

1 AFTER af ressela carrying LCMBER, are herebr 1 informed that I am prepared to purchase for CASH ate Ugliest market prices, ail building material brought aVattar Oid I m.A tK. nKl K. stcerr daile from my Planing Mill, all oalirje mf Lii iiED LUMBER, which, together with my large 1 ei maujuaU) i oner tor Mrery i ar good paper. mu ia JOHN PETIT. Otd Basin.

Twenty Dallavra Kr rd. Ant. an eoncay. us uu on Camp or aarstlae alrget between St. Patrick's 1'hin and Poarrtarre street, a Ladr's GOLD WATCH.

and Fob Chains, attached to a silk belt. The fttww, .1. m)www tatthi. nlTtf' Haap Palea Hap Palea. A ta Sv Charles Barrel Factory.

ituated of St. Charlea, war mile below the Ke CWtrrca, an the saaa Bde. Barrel aad Hoaahead vd fain. nta Caal CeaJ. Jaat arrind.

per skip Rarheatrr. Fifty Ton beat hand Vckad Ecgikfc CASSEX COAL, Porsaleby AS. NIMICK. Jl" 8 IPS eraeier Mini. Aatarar ite Caai.

aad Screened, fas hhd. and balk. Par aale by AS. NIMICK. GrarW street.

Ptn.kar a I 1 7 "'al PITTSBURG COAL, for family use, ia sao saucnaarrs. AS. NIMICR, Jatt I0 eraeier atreet. fck ritukin Caal, taaatatina asc Par aala by AS. NIMJCR, If) GraeVr atiatL Vrcali BaekwkeaU.

bi VAWHEAT, ta baxea aa ant by G. M. BATLT At CO aitra aad Caaal srrrrt aalf antb POTOMAC ROK HEUrSO. ancar aaraBsebw at. BATLT CO, Canal atreet.

i CATHOLIC ata MMsraaa as. wbWaa' ana rmaiaaii stssaa aaawkt editor aad ia 8ARDI. "JA wk JrArfrrt aaarmg a Ta AMUsem*nTS. ST. CHARLES THEATRE.

Tsstt and MAnager Ti asu 1 1 iii Acting Manager. B. DEBAR. O. CHESLET.

H. COREL LAST NIGHT BUT THREE OP Mr. AMD Mrs. WOOD. WEDNESDAY BTENTNG, November lA lasT First night of the new historical drama, called COURT AND STAGE, or THK DAYS OF CHARLES THE SECOND Nell Wynne, Mrs.

J. Wood Frances Stewart. Mis K. Beignolds; Cbarle the Second, Mr. H.

Karren To conclude srlth the farce of MIS CHIEP MAKING M'me Maaette. Mm. J.Wood; Dovetail, Mr. V. Bowers.

FT In preparation THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. FRICESOF ADMISSION Urea Circle aad Parqaette, Second Circle, 60c. Gallery, Sc; yuadrooa Box tiaketa, tsc. Private Boxes, each. tir Doors open at 6k Overture commencea a o'clock.

UT Box Omce open daily from 10 to 3 P. nla CO. CHESLBT. Tiiamiw ORLEANS THEATRE. THTJRSDAT EVENING, November 19.

1T P1rtnljht of LES AMOURS DU DIABLE. in whica Mine Col a 1 I AkaVaWtAP. ro a nuicarAM. nii Circle. LtirNl Box.

Paruoette. Second GaUerr. i P. Third Gal rj3oroPtutrt half past o'clock Performance com mencraatT. anlea Paid for.

Bl( "kxtbaTnj'ocjickmejit. THE WORLD iRENOWNED KELLER TROUPEI KELLERS vnnxfl AMERICA BALLET CORPS And the fascinating Danseuse, M'LLE CHRISTINE. Forming a GREAT TRIPLE ATTRACTION, comprising rgnm Tlt ClfTVn ii'Tnua WILL SOON APPEAR. 0 Due notice will be given, nir 1st E. WILLIAMS, Business Manager.

ORLEANS THEATRE. The Management of the Orleans Theatre would lay before ,1 I ttiA nf )i .,.111 certain ruWs tbey have lain down. In the iateresta of their patrons aa well as wirir own Th regular opening of the theatrical season will take place on THURSDAY, the lith inat. Persons who desire to retain their boxes or seats In the Parquette lor tne season or part oi tar season, arc informed that the Box Office will be open every day from clock. A till half past 3 P.

8ubseribers are respectfully invited to make arrangement for their ticket during the oay, tne Registrar, as ex Slained below, not being at the door to deliver them urin the evening. i The Registrar's other, at the entrance of the theatre proper, nas neen aone away wiin. two iiimn ueing established in its olace. at the door of the building. At that on the right, aa you enter, will be given tickets to the first and second tiers at that oa the left, tickets for the Parouette.

Parterre and Boxes. Those having ticket for boxes, and those having ticket lor tne rarquette ana rancrre, wm reaco tucir arata hv different door. Thna. who have numbers for the Faraaette are requested to show them, eitnrr to tne attendant at tne aoor oi the same, or at the doors of the boxes, if it be that the would these laat4lunnff the interlude. In order to avoid ail noise and disturbance that might might onend the bouse, no person wituout pan in tne re presentation, shall be admitted behind the curtain, A 1 unir No Dhrr is arenrrd till Mid for in advance and every tteraoa.

woo goes out aunng tu rrprescniauoM. t. eau neatlv reauested to provide himself with a check. the attendants having received the strictest order not tn arinut individuals antftout tlCKeta or CUecia la conclusion, the management would expreas the hope that the public will see sne propriety oi coniorming to these fundamental rale, which have been drawa up, not only for it own security, but for the purpose of insuring order and propriety. H.

RUFPIER. Comptroller. Immenae Attraction far the Seaaoa. VANNTJCHfs MUSEUM, 107 ST. CHARLKS STREET.

I now open, with the most collection of WAX FIUIKE9 ever emit acq in America or Europe, consisting of THE BIRTH OP OCR SAYIOCR In the Stable of Bethlehem, and the ENTRY OF CHRIST INTO JERUSALEM on Palm Sunday, with the figure iu procession as life, taken from the celebrated Painting of Raphael. THE LORD'S SUPPER Consisting of thirteen Figure. THE TRIAL OF CHRIST Comprising thirty five life sise Figures, worked bv machiuerv. A LIFE LIKE LIKENESS OF DR. KANE, the cele brated Arctic Navigator.

MRS. CUNNINGHAM AND HER BLESSED BABY. as she appeared in bed. attended by Dr. Catlin and.

acaln aa sne appeared when taken to the Tomb by the omrers of the Law. i THE CRIMEAN HEROES AND THE EUROPEAN POVt ERS Earb consisting of six Figures; and a large number of COSMORAMIC YLEWS at" Door open from 10 o'clock, A. until 10 o'clock. ADMISSION Fifty cents Children and aervant. hal price.

tfI Koomt aad Board. SETERAL PLEASANT ROOMS AND BIT 177 Canal atreet. BOARD, at A Card. TiR WM. BODENHEIMER will visit this city profes nnnallv earlv in December, and will attend to the treatment of those disease for the cure of which be ia celebrated tf Champagne.

IN store, 60 baskets CHAMPAGNE, of the superior brand Max Sutaine A Co. For aale bv DUNtZE A IKEN, nli rt corner of Royal and Con ti street Snadriea. ATELY received from b.uton la 10 GKEEN CORN, in 191 tin cans. TOMATOES. ASPARAGUS, assorted SWEETMEATS DUNTZE A IKEN, corner of Roval and Conn streets.

jo 1 For sale by ni Cotton Seed Cotton PETIT GULF. THE subscribers have now on hand and are constantly in rereipt of large supplies of pure Petit Gull COTTON EEI. which they are prepared to deliver in lota to suit purchasers. These Seed have been selected with great care and purchasers can rely on their being of th very best quality. M.

BAYLY Common and Canal ptreet. Fashionable Johnateniama. Pray, can yaaf dear Brown." said Jones, tother day. As in th St. Chariee they stood smiling away.

Relieve me of what has been racking my brain. And the meaning of Johnsonism clearly explain "To be sure. sir. said Brown. 1 will answer you pat It an old fashioned phrase, and a new fashioned hst." Ton don't say so: said Jones, now scratching his head.

And pondering deeply o'er what had been said "But Brown." be continued, 7 words aie not clear. And I'll thank vou to uiaVe youVTall meaning appear." You Brown "1 s'puae you dou't know That ths crusty Sam Johnson, who lived long aso. Whilst rombing our'lainrnage in strands and in threads That people might weave it within their hard heads. Stuck sulne words tort ber, in fanciful phrase. Hence called Johnsonums in these modern days.

Th other kind, Jones," Brown went on to say, You may see on our promenade any fine day Tor the jolly Dave Johnston, who nourishes now. Sell the prettiest hat that e'er deck'd a man's brow And of Johiisonisnis old. and Johnstonisms new. The latter by far the most used of the Aha!" exclaim Jones, now vour meaning I seel Whilst their names of renown differ but by a 't," Their missions on earth are as closelv allied. In fitting nien's heads and exalting their pride, I Whilst Sam fills the brain with his srisdom's clear light.

Our David roof the skull with his beavers so brizht So since learning and fur may get on without schism. I hurrah iur the John ton. and drink to their D. C. JOHNSTON.

St. Charles Hat and Cap Emporium. nl Ml St. Charlea street, under the Hotel. Piano Fertea Plana Fortea.

Grand. Parlor Grand. Lonis A I and Grand Square Piano, from LSG A SON Sand NLNN3 A CLARK, toeether with all the olainer natterna. The stock ia at this time verv lAraw and well aaaorted Partiea are particularly invited to examine the Parlor Grand, as it i beueved they stand irnrivaicd ia power aad quality af tone HENRY PARSONS. Camp street.

asT For sale low. a superior HARP, having beea a vera auort time in nac ni Twenty Dollar Keward rtrayed. On the evening of the ljth from my stave XaajYari. one SORREL HORSE, and one BAY srl PONY with a white spot on the forehead. Any one who will bring them to my yard will be rewarded for it.

GATINO LEDDA. Stave Yard, corner St. James and Levee streets. ft opposite Post 41. First District.

TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS REWARD Ran liTfram AnmnPlftntsiinn i Ki. i.i. black negro woman HARRIET, axed about xs vears, low in atature. face ftat and round, speak a2aasra slow, ana nas a very numote appearance nils spaaing. Sbe is hamored in the Second District, in the neighborhood of the French Market ni.s tf T.

D. McGEE. 9 Gravier ttreet. Crescent please copy. FINE LONDON GUN'S.

THE nnderxigned. sole ageau for P. ANTON. A LON DON. merchant, and manufacturer of the finest and most reliable double GUNS and FOWLING PIECES, are prepared to receive and fill orders for one or more of any lersrih.

rtvle or bore, made from LAM I VATED and SILVER STEEL. DAMASCTS. CHAIN. FINE WIRE, and REAL HoKE NAIL STUB TWIST, a may be desired sr.d thev invite the attention of AMATEURS and SPORTSMEN to the tine assortment received and on the way: embracing those bored and made expressly for throwing buck shot with killing force and certainty one hundred yard, with the Patent Buck shot moulds and implements complete, with the assurance that they will be soid under full guarantee, and on as favorable term a they could be purchased of the manufacturer at London. HEATON A OLIVIER.

Importer and Commission Merchants. BIS 3msdp 4U Common street. New Orleans. Piano Fortea, aiaale and Haaieal Iaatra mentA P. P.

WERLETN. 5 CAMP STREKT. agent for the aale ot Lighte, Newton At Bradbury, and Peter. Craig Cav'a ceieoraled PIANO FORTES Also, Oewre Frrncsi A Oa bjittji. with superior dividing awelL SHEET MUSIC and MCSIC BOOKS, besides every thing inphe Maaacal nne.

Pinm and other I nag ra merits toned aad repaired. PH. F. werlein; P15 0 aad a Caaxp at use Ladatiro Cararei. OT.

JEROME, a aiagnincent Fainting by the above IO great master. I ia possession ol the surassnoer. Coi nnissiar and admirer of ane PainttngB i this chef aruT re. between the hours of 11 invited toa and. R.

A RAMS ADOthecarv. nlfc 1m 96 Camp street, corner of Common. Plan Corera Piano Corera. PIANO COYEKS, a very fine article, aad antaat keep awt dest aad daanpneaa. Far aai at aaaaa s'sauara aricaaat the Boot, aad Traaa Star of ROBERT H.

BOWLES. Canal atreet. Aaaa, 90 oaaea ta arrhre. with a Caa aaaortaneat af ROR bmtk boo oa Brfel rleka. at.

rhlavtaa. laaka, bbeLa, Oak, AJk aad A CON 8TANT aoppiy aa kwAd. Por aale at the Uwsat anarxrt rsla J. p. RCB, Jadia street Laaatior, Order left at BaaC Mechaaica' aaal Deaiam' eaW.Rx.

I iaaaac. sc tAatriaa aa wul araa4su eoirwTl mnr I AMUsem*nTS. CRISP'Stf GAIETY. Leaae aad Manager W. H.

CTTSP. Treasrorer. Mr. M.W. CANNING.

Stage smanaaer Mr. RATTAN DAWSON. The Justly celebrated MARTI NETTT AND BLONDE TBOUPB (late Ravels) will mace weir tmraappear a nee in aa entire change of Programme. WEDNESDAY EYE NINO, November 1ft, 18R7 The per. formance will commence with the fare of BETbY BAKER Mr.

and Mrs. Cha. Hale a M. Mouaer and Betoy Baker First night of the pantomime, entitled FOUR LOVERS To be followed by the Groupings of the THUG OfjA DlAIvava. ar wt ainiinu Pami ly.

conclude with the pantomime of JOCKO Jocko, Mom Blondln. PRICES OP ADMISSION Dreai Circle aad Parqaette, i Family Circle. Soc Gallery. sc Colored Gallery, 9fic Quad roo a Private Boxes, (aeat,) TBc; eleajan Private Boxes, frota according to gat'itoTo'thce open from 10 o'clock, A. aatil 3 o'clock, P.

M. where seats can be secured. Bar Door open at o'clock; Performance a commence BIS wecMe1' M. W. CANNTNO, Treasurer.

Spaldlns Sc Kotjera'a MUSEUM AMPHITHEATRE. The resort of the Beaaty aad Fashion af the Creaceat City. MATT PEEL'S ft RE AT BAND OP CAMPBELL MINSTRELS Are nightly onering great inducement to the lover of amusem*nt. In connection with the MINSTREL TROUPE, the management take pleasure ia announcing a limited ea casem*nt wun PROP. ORRIN AND SONS.

who will appear nightly In their Unique and Chaste xatertainnieiiTA. SUNDAY BLACK YIGTLS. MONDAY VIRGINIA MUMMY. TUESDAY JUMBO JUM. With a Choice Selection from the Mirutrel Drpart ment, to precede tne nece eacn evening.

gaTT For particular, see bill of the dav. On SATURDAY, at 1 aGRAND CONCERT, for the convenience of ladle aad children. ADMISSION To all part of the house Fifty Cent, la" The Box Office will be open each day at 9 A. and continue open aunng tne aay. BaT Door ODen at HK o'clock when the Bra Band will perform several popular air.

Performance to com mence at 7k clock nii CHILDREN'S BALL, AT ODD FELLOWS HALL. Prof. J. VEGAS rrsDertfullT informs his friends and the public in general trial his 1st CHILDREN 3 BALL will be given on FRIDAY. 4th of December, at Odd Fellows Hall, when bis pupil will exhibit the new Fancv Danca.

appropriate for Children. and the Fashionable Lancers' Quadrille. The Ball to commence at half past 7 o'clock P. and continue until 11 o'clock after which the Bali for the Adults will begin. PRICES OF ADMISSION Ladle and Children, not pupil free; Gentlemen.

01 SO fupils, free, lav" Ladies aud Children wishing to obtain Invitations, will Dlraee send to Mr. J. at Odd Fellows' Hall. Gentlemen's Ticket can be obtained at tke Hall, the Music Stores, aud at theTlckrt Orace, on the night of the Ball, gaf No one will be admitted except he present bis Ticket at tne aoor. DRUID ANNIVERSARY BALL JgJ GIVEN BY 8fr OAK.

GKOVK No. 2, U. A. In Celebration of It Institution, OJV THE VESIXG fA of DECEMBER, l8aT. AT THE ODD FELLOWS HALL.

Committee of Arrangement: G. Doernhoeffrr, J. H. Mailer. P.

Smith. MAXACF.kS. Hon. C. M.

Waterman. Hon. O. Stith, Hon. J.

Fabre, L. M. vi alson, t. 11 raost, J. xoru.

J. M. Braun, P. Halm, J. Wild.

J. Be mi us, A. Shaw. D. Siuun.

S. H. Fulton, F. Gab. Committee of Reception: R.

II. Schmidt. L. Mieg. P.

KuhaboU. Tickets may ne obtained" from the following persons; hwaii, o. 1. Dartres street: Jos. rto.

W4 Circus street Christ. Muhr, No. is Pordras t. John Wild. No.

4 Poydras Market; A. Winklemau, corner Magaxine and Povdras streetA Also from the niemnTs of the Committee, aud. on the evening of tne nail, at tue noi umcr. tar Tickets 1 s.i each. nl( td KEEGANS CLOAK FACTORY, 144 Canal Street 144 To the Iiadlea To the We have now opened our unlimited stock of the newest of CLOAKS, POINTS, SCARFS.

BASQUES and TALMAS. 3W RICH VELVET CLOAKS Embroidered and Plain, for Ladies and Misses. 1000 Rich Gold Bordered Stella aad Chenille SHAWLS. too Mcdonald and rob roy plaid scarps and LONG SHAWLS. AT 144 CAS.



AT 144 CASAL STREET. 60 Cases LADIES' AND MISSES PARIS BONNETS, ta be sold on commission, from ea to With a splendid assortment of Chenille WREATHS, COIFFEURS. DRESS CAPS and HEAD DRESSES. REAL LACE VEILS. BROCATELLES.


GIMPS, and' BUTTONS to Bait ail hade and colors of Silks and Dressea 10.000 Set New Style of RUSSIAN FURS, SWAN DOWN and ERMINE TRIMMINGS. SO New Style SHELL COMBS. FANCY BAGS and LADIES' DRESSING CASES. A 144 CASAI STREET. A liberal discount given to Merchant baying CLOAKS and SHAWLS to sell again.

D. E. RE EG AN, no tf 144 Canal atreet. Hardware and Cinna. A large and complete assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware.

1 IRON. STEEL, NAILS AND CASTINGS. GUNS, from 4)4 to 15t each. RIFLES, from to each. COLT PISTOLS.


41 Magazine street, opposite the Arcade. A fall assortment of BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. Just receiving, aad for sale cheap for Cash and approved paper. nl5 6t Jamea ATTORNEY AT LAW. Memphis.

Ten. YVTILL practice in Bolivar and Tunica counties, Misaia II si ml: Crittenden county, Arkansas and Soelov connty, Tenn. Prompt attention given to collection of CUimi. Refer to Mesam Coleman. Putnam a) Payne at Mamson, ana jonn m.

ennton. rAq. lyf Loulviana Mteam ioihina: IfA and lr7 C'anai street. WB call the attention of Planters and Merchants to our Stock of PLANTATION CLOTHING, the best and largest assortment ever yet offered in the Southern marcel. The many acknowledgements we have received from those who patroniAe our establishment, and that we are ready to exhibit, justify ns in awning, that planters who wish to have their negroes comfortable aud economically clothed, would do wed to come and inspect our Goods before taxing in supplies.

nlJ, 1m ntnsAitu at iu 219 Street. Corner of Julia street. 1U rm MrFN an. ctrnllw informs tne I a I Jdie that she will open on MONDAY next, the I mvt. a large assortment of new ALL A i a WINTER GOODS, from Paris and New York, "a ennsiitine of rich Velvet.

Silk and SatrnJionneta: English Straw Leghorn, Drab and Chenille Bonnet Leg born Fiat. Infanta' Hats and Hoods Feather and Flow ers; Ribbon and Lace veil; neaa ureases ana cmproi derirs; Corset and Parasout; Jouvin't Kid and Silk Gloves, and a complete variety of Par Cuffs. Palatine, Ac Ac all of which the Indies are req nested to call and examine, as great inducement are odered. Country or der promptly artenaeo to. na ti KetnoTal.

M'me CH AR LO 1 r. Lr.VT ha the honor of informing ber friends ana customers that sbe ha I removed tier Dree Making and Millinery estab lishment to the corner of Canal and Carondelet atreet. over the Crescent City Bank. Entrance an Carondelet street. New Fall Cvooda.

aas, Mrs. NORTON, lol royaras street, ha Just re (Tlceieed rrom fans ana tne ortn, a ncn assorr merit of Bonnets. Embroideries, Ribbon. Fioarera and rancy woods, to wmcn sne invite tne anea ra tion of the Ladies and ronntre visiters. Old Bos net cleaned and renewed.

BaT Country order promptly ntteaded ta. 7 Ktock sieUinc Oat Cheap to Cleoe. pV0 Cabal stceft OO Mr, u. wAixuuin respecxiniiy inxorao her old friend and customers that she is now re eiv4n. a laree and well selected stock of MILLI ER GOODS, which will be sold low to suit the Dress Making done In the latest style at short notice The AdaLaaa Kiorrs CRDaar.

AVE aaade arrangeaients anth the Memphis and New Orleans Steam Packet Company to despatch an tl I oa their boat, conaecting at Memnhi smb. thear Daily Expreas to ail the cijies and town ia Alahama, Georfia, noru bhu unina, aeat ta the North aad East, for the aaie aad epeedy traan lrtAttoa of Gold and Silver Coin, Jewelry, Valaabie Package aad Freight. Par informal Kin a to time, price Ac, PPjY ta J. K. SIMP SON.

Agant, aao Ian i Camp atreet. Wall Paper. WHOLESALE AN 1 RETAIL. rpEE aaderaagTied baa Jus receiTed. direct from the a HHlllaal lllll la, soar aBfaaat and 1 loa Paps i A ot every price aad qaaiitv.

karee aastsiiliiii al of fat maxtinos aaA Was aric SataaBiaaA Paper. for aale law. by NEW HALL. a Caaal atreet ats at coraarr Old Levee, a stair. ar ParfbaexxawtawcUfctCAAB CP SPECIAL, NOTICES.

Otnea of toe Louisiana Manufacturing Company, No 4.1 Carondelet street. Notice 1 hereby given, la eonformitv with article six. section fcur, of the charter, that the annual election of Director for the ensuing year will bo held at the Company's Office, No. 43 Carondelet atreet, on tile first TOES DA I in uecemner next. us td E.

H. WTNGATE. Secretary. BANK OP AMERICA. NoUc is hereby given that In addition to the resrular business hoars, this Beak will be opened for the receipt of Deposits aud payment of Check, from to 8 o'clock in toe morning, and from to i o'clock in the evening.

nil sx Ala., mgr. LYCEUM AND LIBRARY 8)C1 KTT. This Library I now onea to aubacribera and Life Members. Additions have been made to the Javenila and Adult Department, and citixena generally will find In this collection laany valuable books for reference or circulation.

The Lvceum Hall ia well adapted for Public Lecture or Concerts. Apply to the Librarian, lo City HalL bit in Otce of the Home Mutual Insurance Company i of New Orleana, New Orleana, November 10, 1MT. In eonformitv with article (bar of the charter of thi Company, notice ia hereby given that an election for thirty two Trustees, to serve daring the ensuing Tear, from the first Monday in February next, will be beld at the office of the Company, 7tt Camp street, on MONDAY, the 7th day of December next, between the hoar of 10 A. M. and P.

M. niij te JAxr.3 vr ntMit on; y. Bank of Louisiana, I New Orleana, Oct. 19, 1W7. A no roved Bteriing Exchansre will be received In pay ment of paper discounted by this Bank.

0 It TI K. Bl. HAT la, Lasnier, A. O. D.

PIONEER GROVE No. iMeett every THURSDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, on Camp street. Ho. lourtn noor. Officers N.

J. Hoey, N. Ai C. E. Christemwn, Y.

A Wm. Emerson. Secretary: W. H. BuacAmper, Treasurer; J.

Mallory, I. G. my9 67 ly ril'TinN The owner of the vacant lot in the Fourth District, bounded bv Plaanemine. Chestnut and First streets, hereby cautions persona not to injure, in any way, the young tree within, or the fence enclosing thi half square of ground, a he ia determined hereafter to prosecute, to the extent of the law, any person or persona who may be detected in breaking or pulling down hi fence. my tf WANTS.

tt ANTKD By a married man, who has had several years experience in Hower snd vegetable gardening in the South, a situation as Gardener, either in the city or country. The moat satisfactory reference will be given. Address D. at tni omce. in ANTED Board in a private family, for a single gentleman either in the First or Second Di.trictrt.

with in fifteen minutes' walk of the Post Omce and where the comforts of a home can be obtained, and for which a libe ral price will be paid. Address J. at this office. ni ti WANTED A situation in a Country Store, by a young man who has had several vears experience in the country dry goods businesa Is a good Salesman and Book aeeper. van give guvu ciiy

nu'irrH ni at" J. Airki.o. WANTED NURSE A good Nurse, who understands takinir care of an infant a nood sewer preferred. Apply at 8.W. comer of Rouiu and Constance streetA sin lit 'ANTED UPHOLSTERERS Two good Upholster era It None but superior workmen need apply.

nil TODD A 11 Canal street WANTED Two good Barbers aud Hair Dressers, who can apeak English, at nl7 3t J. B. BOIBON 8 i St. Charles at. WANTED By a competent, young unmarried man, a situation as Clerk, iu door or out door has had ten years' experience in business, having been connected with large commercial house in this city.

Ia Willi ug to make himself generally useful, and would make the interest of any firm employing him hi own. Address GIRARI). at the office of this paper. nl" Ei.YUt 7ANTEI A oung man. ante to give the best refer encrs of the citv.

speaks and writes correctly the Krrnrh l.tia uatfe. has an eleran wri ting and Is Correct at figures; wishes to bnd employment of arv kind in the city (not degradiug! He is courideut tn give full satisfaction to his employers. A permanent situation in some large bouse more of an object than salary. Address CLKKrt, fuayune umce. nil 3t WANTED The undersigned, from Paris, desires a situation as Coachman or Valet de Chambre.

iu a private family. He aisois well acquainted aitU the duties of the dining mom. Address or apply at the European Restaurant, 37 Ursuliuest. nlT at DESKKl nr. t'Al JOSKfH.

WANTED A situatiou as Sesriintreas or to do light Chamber Work, bv a respectable woman, who can make children's clothing and has good recommrndAtioiiA Address A. at this office. nl5 3f "IR ANTE TE ACH Immediately, a C.aiiicai Eng. lisb Teacher one competent to give instruction iu Matheniatica Good references required. Address L.

at this office nli tt WANTED Two Journeymen Coopers, to go to Mobile; first rate workmen and of sober haiuts none others wanted to such constant employment will be given aud good priceA For further aarticula. a apply at tuisothce. Also, one who is accustomed to make hour barrels. nl.s ANTED TO PURCHASE A i uar PiAiitatioa with vV Slaves and 'every app)iutuieut necessarv next 1 Nf OrlMii. 'nl lUijin Rouge.

Apply to UAKlltK S.M11M. Auctioneer. nlR tf Office. Comtnerria! Place. WANTED A French Cook, who has Just arrived from retire, would like to hnd a situation as Cook in a family.

He understands pastry cooking perfectly. He ha worked during two years in New York, and has unex ceptionaole references. Address A. at this office. li e.f TANTED A woman Servant to do general Hiuse Work: German preferred.

Apply at No. IS Villere treet. First District. n7 VV 7 ANTED A gentleman, who has been favorably known as a learner at tne soutn. desires to open or assist in sn Eniih and Classical School, or to engage in private instruction for the preparation OI boys for college or merrsutiie pursuits: or of young ladies studying tae bieher Eng.ish branches, elementary mat hematics, Ac.

The most satisfactory reference will be given as to scholarship and success as an instructor. Immediate ap plication 'eqursieo, stating tue locality, prooaoie number ot pupils. compensation. Address Box 151, Post Office. ate hex, MisA 'tdAltW WANTED Competent Retail, Dry Goods Clerks, of tf g.M.d character, willing to work these hard times lor a moderaiecompcu aation, mav apt ly to i tf M.

R. HAUGERTY A B0. A few very capable French Salesmen atso required. ti rANTED A' Man House Servant: an Eneiishman prefened. None need appiv but with the beat of recommendAtionA Apply at II St.

Ann street, season Bquare. nj ti i Ik 'ANTED By a young marned Englishman, wun ex cellent testimonials and citv references, a situation In some am claaa cotton or Western produce bouse.either as Purchasing Clerk or Bookkeeper. A fairaaiary expect ed. Address A. care Box ta.

roat omce. o4 ti It ANTED MerrhanU in want of a confidential clerk VV mav be suited bv addressing aline to "Confidence," through this office. The advertiser is unmarried. year of age. conversant with the Eng.ish.

French aud German languages, an excellent bookkeeper aud correspondent. He nas been nuing. lor a number oi ears, a situation ot high trust in this city, which he stilt occupies, but is de iron of exchanging for one more suited to his taste and capacity. The advertiser begs to assure the commercial community that whatever interests may be entruited ta oa A repmg tney win oe as laitniuiiy sucrmni in asiimey were his own. bis highest ambition being that of always re ail ring, to its fullest extent, the unqualified name of aa honest man.

The best of citv references given. A line addressed as above will meet with immediate attention. old lm WANTED A lady of several year' successful expert VV in Teecblne. desires a place to teach the nrst of December in a arnsoi or private lamiiy. in addition to tne Eiutosb branches, sbe tear be Latin.

French. Drawiug and the various kinds of Painting in Oil and Water Color. She has the hirbest testimonials. Address Miss 8 FOSTER, Boston, Ma a care of Browa A Knap p. sv India treet.

oi 7 ti VT ANTED Situation a a Teacher A young lady, in VV every wav Qua: tried to teacb the common English branches, and. in addition. Vocal Music, the Guitar, aad Painting, is desirous of obtaining a situation ina private family in one of the Southern State SberAngive the most satisfactory references. Address at thi office, or 1.7 South Eighth Philadelphia ap44 tfT Tin Platen. Tom boxes best Charcoal brand, in (tore and i.o.Mns ex Castine Northland and South Carolina SMITH, COOPER A Importers aad agent English mannfactarer.

Ms st 75 Trhoupitoulas street Baora Tin. SMITH, COOPER A 75 Trhoupitoulas street. 30 pig. BIS 3t (iainy Boat. 150 bales Extra Heavy, SMITH, COOPER A nVA 3t 75 Tcnoapltouus street.

Llaoeed Oil. barrel Boiled and Raw. SMITH, COOPER A Bli 3t 75 Tcboupitoula street. ('y Bigs, 75 bale 4 bushel Linseed, landlng SMJTH, COOPER A ms 3t 75 TrhoupitoulAs street. Zinc.

90 cask landing and in store. SMITH, COOPER A B15 tt 75 Trhoupitoulas street. Bolt Hope. .00 coils Rusaia landing. SMITH, COOPER A Tjlsst 75 Tcboupitonlas street.

Oakin. 60 bale Navy and American Navy brands. SMITH, COOPER A Bi5 at 75 Tcboapttonias street. Cotton Dark. lore bolt Wood berry and Pilot, No.

1 to la 400 bolt 44 inch for TarpaolinA IS bale Buckeye Ravens. SMITH, COOPER A BI3t 75 I CDartipitoaias street. Cordage. 4Sri coil Maailla. from 1 to inch.

3T5 Tarred, from I to 8 inch. Jute, from 1 to 1 inch. SMITH, COOPER A bis St 75 TchouBitnala street. White Lead. 6 toaa Union manafartare.

In assorted packages. SMITH. COOPER A nla 3t Tchoapitooa street. Braziera' Copper. It case 30X6010, II and UTS.

It ttxoo 10 11 and MB. saxaa ia, ii aad its. SMITH. COOPER A CO, TS Tcboapitoala street. Coi ipoaitton Naila.

ed 30 kegs SMITH, COOPER 7 Tcttoaprtaala street Baatiac. iM piece aaaorted co*kwa. 8MJTH, COOPER CO Tcboapitaala street. OflTt CHOICE WX8TPH ALIA HAMS, taatare aast aw OUU mit by PETERS, Ml I.I, A RD 4k BteanlaT artaljCmgUtCaB, AUCTION SALES. aJe of rjajei Boata.

fihoeo aad BLAC1TE A LEAUMONT, Anrtiontau W01 be WEDNESDAY, the lth at 10 o'clock their auction room. T7 Chartre street tTTer alt81 Bv Oil. WIU be sold ataaction wl i AT' at o'clock, at the r0n Falton reet, between Lafayette and Poydras street for account of whom it may concern bhlApor Linseed Oil. Terms Cash. ivar Heaaaaable ktwb.bic rrr ssaoaa BT BLACHE A LEAUMONT.

Aucooneera WiB be old at auction on WEDNESDAY, lstk Kd i O'clock, at their auction ronms, 77 Chartre treet An of fteannhL. nj. floods Without Keaerwe. OLD RYE WHISKEY AND ALCOHOL. BY R.

B. 8YKES, A actio neer Will be aold at anctioa on WEDNESDAY, lth at 11 o'clock, at Webster' Warehouse, corner Magaxine aud Lafayette streets, for account of whom it may concern 175 barrel very old Rye Whiskey 900 Alcohol, 96 per cent. tar Terra Cash. Kirh Mahogany and Rosewood Parlor Furniture, Brussels, Velvet, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpeting, Rugs, Ac. BY VINCENT A CO.

Will be at auction on WEDNESDAY. 35th at lo o'clock, at their auction rooms. No. SA Customhouse street Extra Fine Mahogany and Rosewood Parlor Seta In Brown and Crimson Brocatelle, Brown Plush, la Broca telle Green and Gold. Also Chamber Seta in Rosewood and Mahogany, all of the make of one of the most celebrated manufacturer of the city.

Also T5 piece Brussels, Velvet. Aubuisson and Ingrain Eug 11 Carpeting. Also 100 splendid Rug. The above win be vious to the sale. tr Term Cash.

ady lor examination tne day pre nlS BY W. C. JEWETT, Auctioneer, 73 Camp (treet. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Grocery, Liqnor and General Merchandise Sale. Other day Special Sale.

WEDNESDAY. IRth at 10 o'clock a) splendid Works Novels, Histories, Ac; 100 lots Fancy Goods; tsuo lots Diamonds, Watches, Chains, Pins, Silverware, Ar THURSDAY, 19th at 10 o'clock Groceries, Liquors, Ac, consisting of 10D cases Absynthe; 800 boxes Soap Candles; suo pkgA Brandy, in bblA and casks, good quality; loo case Cognac IV) superior Claret 10U bhlx Vinegar; 9uu pkga. Herring, White Lead. Cordials, Cigars, Ac; At Private Sale 1,000,000 Havana, German and other Cigar. nlS Dry iaooda Male.

BY H. FETCH A ID. HYDE A CO. Will be sold at auction on THURSDAY, 14th a 10 o'clock, at their auction room. Old Levee street 100 packages and lots of seasonable Dry Goods, consisting of PrintA Denims, Stripes, Cassimeres, Cloths, Satinets.

Flannels, Silks, Merinos, CacbeniireA Alpacas, Ma dras Handkerchiefs, Linen Cambric Haudkerchirfs, Lin. ens, Turkey Red Calico, Ribbon, Blanket, Wool aud Cotton Hosiery. Ticks, Ac. gT Term at sale. al8 Sardinea.

reen Fran, dcr. BT R. B. SY'RES. Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on THURSDAY, tba Ivtb iusL.

at 10 o'clock, at bis auction 45 Magaxine street, to close consignment. vU 33 cases Sardines, 100 half boxes each. il lnuquarter 1 Mushrooms, At) boxea 3 Green Peas, 1U0 half boxes each. rases Claret Wine, 5o basket Champagne. ni Two Fine lionrwood I'arlor Set and Furniture of every description at Auction.

IY MONTGOMERY A SMITH R. M. Montgomery. Auctioneer ill be (old at auction on THURSDAY, the lith at 11 o'clock, at the Old Auction Mart, 07 Camp street A large assortment of new and second hand Furniture, comprising Mahogany and Walnut Bedateada, Armoira, Bureaus, bofas, Waahstanris. Lounges, Chairs, Rockers and Easy Chairs.

Carpets, Mattresses, Blanket. Spread, Sheeting. Curtain. Crockery Kitchen Furniture, Ac. CT Term Cash.

nl Large Slock of aad Liquor). BY l). E. Ml'KFII Auctioneer Wiil oe sold liv auction on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the I and lth at 10 o'clock. I at Messta.

Converse A Co. 'a, corner of Canal and New Ix ree A large and seiect assorttnrnt of Grorerie, Liquors. Ac. The whole and entire stock will be sold on liberal credit. For further particular, eee cataloTuei.

nl7 I.adiea' Auction ant Opportunity. BY L. A. LEVY. Auctioneer Office 7 Common street ill be sold at on TUESDAY, the I7tb.

THURSDAY, l' th. and SATURDAY. Jlst at Ini o'clock, at 101 Baronne. between Union and Peniido streets The balance of Stork on hand, comprising elegant Woo? Caehmere iJeAiuea. Silks.

Embroideries, Cloth. Siik and Velvet Mantillas. French MftinoA I.aces. tiue Tnminiiigs, Ronntts. Linen Cambric Handkerrhi.

fa. Heavy Wool and Cashmere Shawls, Lace Veils, Embroidered Curtain Mul Iiua Blanket, yuilts. Ar. Ladies are aumi tnat every article a i te soul to tne highest bidder. nl5 Fortv flye BT PLACIDE J.

SPEAR ill be sold at auction on THURSDAY. 1 at o'clock, at the Bakery on Rasiu lortuerly St. John; street, between Grarieraud Prrdido streets Mules, nnbmke and in good order. Trims Cafh. Sale withont reserve.

These hav ing stw atid wishii.g to add to the above. can do so previous to the day of sale, by applying at the auctioneer's store. 4 Custouiho se street, betweeu Chxr tres and Old Levee. lii Furniture at Aurtion. BT ROBERT AKMfrlELD, Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on THURSDAY, lth at o'cim k.

at Robin street, near the corner of Aimuncation and Bohin streets All the nnnture of a fnTnily breaking up housekeeping. in tiie Furniture line ntrriwarv itir a centre! fsrnily residence will be soid. The hcose is also for rent. Uli 1,000,000 and upward Havana Cigars. Late impori.

iiiona. r)Y D. E. MORPHY. Auctu.peer Will be sold at ane tion on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the and at o'clock, at Messis.

Laorde Xi.jues. im jrters. New Levee street. Natchez Alley l.iaa:,(fla and over Havana igars. conprig a.1 the varieties and choicest hrati.i.

1, ail warranted. aT For temia, Ac, whirb will be liberal, see catalogneA nl4ff To Hattera French Silk Ilntt. Landing ex ship Jolmitutsberg torn Havr. BY BLACHE A LEAUMONT. Auctioneers Will be sold Bt auction on toe SAO at 1 o'clock, at their auction rooms.

77 Chartrea st.rer 10 cases by 4 French Silk lists, latest style from Parii. 1 rane Children's White Uata, with Feainer and KihbonA (r Terms at sale. nl Tobacco Tobacco. Peremptory Sate fi Account of Coiwiirnors. BY D.

OR PHY, Auctioneer Wid be eoid at anr tiiii on SATURDAY', the ilst inst at in at Messrs. Van Benthi.jeii As Co. 'a agents for the sale of mau alACtured Tobacco. t7 Gravier street V) three quarter boxes Chewing Tobacco very tine, TS. 15 case Twist aud Burn's Extra Superior.

Immediately after for account of whom it may concern 5 three quarter boxes ibacco Left wieh. TS. 1 half box Tobacco VictoriA Damag' per brig Miuatitiaa, oa her voy age to this port Cr Terms Cash. ni7 Firt Kate Cook, Wanner and Ironer. BY PLACIDE J.

SPEAR, Auctioneer Wni be sold at aucti on SATURDAY, the inst. at 12 o'clock, Banks' Arcade The ngro woman HELEN, aged about years, first rate Cook. Washer and iroaer, guaranteed araiaat the vices and niaiatiies prescrilied by law. Art of aale before Messrs. Wagner A Gottacliaik, no tAries public, at the expense of tue purchaser.

sr" Term Cash. Bl I'nreaerved Sale of a very Profitable and Delightful Couutry Residence above Carronton. BY N. XlGNIE. Auctioneer Office comer Conti street and Exchange Aiiev Will be sold at auction on TUESDAY, the nth at 11 o'clock at Banks's Arcade, Magtine street, if not previously sold at private VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, situated in the pan.b of Jefferson, at about eight miles aaove New Orleans, bounded on one side by Mr.

Mason's plantation, and on the other side bv Mr. LeBreton's property; said tract measures 2 arpents front on tbe Mississippi River, bd a depth of about 10 or 11 miles, and fronting on the rear on Lake Pontchartrain. There are over two mile deep of brat rate land, between the River and the Jackson Railroad; also, a fine tract of land, cleared, on the Metairie Rid re, between the Jackson Railroad and tbe Lake, the balance is well timbered. Together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, consisting of a modern btit boose, on brick pillar ten feet high, covered with aiates large galleries; marble mantels: stable; outbuilding. Ac.

Tbe whole in fine order. Also, a large orchard of peaches, plain a. quinces and pecan treea, sad about 3li orange and lemon tree garden, The Mock and farming utensils can be taken at a fair vaiuauon if required. Terms and condition The purchaser to aaarame the pavmentof a mortgace note of ariao, due 7th December, lc7. For tbe balance 0 ftaio cash: and the remaining part on a credit of one and two years, for good endorsed note, sect red by mortgage on said property, and bearing per rent, interest per annum from date until maturity, and after maturity, if not regularly paid, at 8 per cent interest until final payment.

ar Fcr farther particular, apply at the auctioneer' office. Cutlery, Travs, Waiters and Clocks. BT FRANCIS FERNANDEZ. Aucaoaeer Will be old at aaction on THURSDAY, the iith inst at 10V, o'clock. hi auction a lore, comer St.

Loa is aad nacres street. No. li without reserve, to close A general assortment of Cutlery, consisting of fine and ordinary Knives and Fork, Pocket and Fen Knives. Raors, 'Scissors, Ac. Also Tray.

Waiter. Bread Baskets. Eight Day Clocks, in lots to suit purchasers. nia Iadiea Attention. OUR OPENING DAT, MONDAY, id November.

New and Rich Millinery and Fancy Leoda NEW STORE, Corner Poydras and Carondelet sueela Mr. O. W. ROPER beg leave to Inform the Ladies of Hew Orleans that she will open in the new and urnificent store, southeast corner of Poydras and Carondelet streets. oa MONDAY.


R. respectfully invite the Ladies and tae osutrf trade to call aad examine. Oila Olla. bbla. TANNERS OIL.

0 bbla NEATSFOOT OIL. as bbav LINSEED OUL bbla WINTER WHALE OIL. cask PTJRB WINTER SPERM OIL. Par aale by RXCHAXDS, SLOCOMB A CO 1 nCUtUWattecti' BY GARDNER SMITH IsaUt SaaJO CU 97 JBp trSL Furniture, Office Desk and Store Piatare. BT GARDNER SMITH, Auctioneer Office No.

Commercial Place Will be aold oa WRDNESDAY. lath at lolaj o'clock, at 117 Camp atieet Mahogany Bedstead, Armoira, Bareaaa, Waahstaadc, Sofas, Tables, Chair, Spring Mattress, aad one fine Piccolo Piano. And, at HH o'clock Office Desks; single and double Counters, pigeon bole frame for papers SaaJs Door and Partition. Office atr Ti rerma Cash. BIT Furniture at Auction, without reaerre.

BY GARDNER SMITH, Auctioneer Office No. 7 Commercial Place Will be sold on THURSDAY, 1Mb at lo! o'clock, on Beronae itret, between Heviaand Girod st ree la Bedsteads, Armolr, Bureau, Waahatandi, Table, Sots, Cbaira, Cahinetmaker Bent Cooking Store, Ac gaT Term Cash. alT Store Property for 13ale, CONSISTING of a two story brick Building, aad a one story frame Building, now occupied, one a a dry goods store, tke other ss a grocery store, in th First District. Present tenant will pay giooa per annum rent. Price of the two buildings awoo.

Apply to GARDNER SMITH. PI 7t Commercial Place. A iaauuieu for bale, to Cloae a Copavrt A SUGAR AND COTTON PLANT A Uu la the parish of St Martin, 18 mile below the month of BayouCourtableau.on tbe Atcbafalaya fi 'fi f. outaimng 3ns acres 3O0 cleared, having two dwelling, negro cabin, hii i. neranip.

house, steam saw and sugar mill. Ae saw and sugar mill Ae The above lands ar. a a purchaser. Apply to 0y dtfA4tW UACUNEk 8M1TH. 7 Commercial Place.

TO RENT. jKr'foVC REST Dwelling at the corner Apollo and Polymene atreeas. awl three stories, tbe first easily fitted up for a atae? Terms moderate. Apply to JACOB ELMER, ms ot at McCutchon. Howell A Co 's, 6 Campat, TO RENT The three story Store, with hark Warehouse, No.

13 Camp atreet, lately occupied by Mcssra Stone. Tutt A Co. Possession given Inune dietely. inquire of nl4 tf ED. SHIPP A ir Common street.

TO RENT Tbe four story brick Store on corner Camp and ravier streets, lately occupied by Thos, AH. Barker. Poaaecsion given immediately. Inquire of ED. 8HIFF A nit tf lsv Common atreet, fra," TO RENT A two tory frame house on St An Tj drew street, between Nayede and Prytania, now Ja being put in thorough repair.

For terms apply to nil tf M. GERNON, No. 90 Common street. FOR RENT The three story bnck Store No. 14 Canal street, running to Croasman street.

Possession given immediately. Apply to tfff P. ROTCHFORD, Tchoopitoala FOR RENT. The upper part of a bouse for rent, furnished, consisting ol two rooms, one parlor, ana one dining room. Address, on the premises, at No.

Peter street, betweeu Royal and Bourbon. n4 tf oft St. TO RENT An Office in building corner Caronde let and Gravier streets. Apply to JOHN T. HARDIE A 031 Tf 1.4 Gravier street.

FOR RENT The Hott situated at the corner ot Poydras and New Levee streets. For information, alXapply at the Coffeehouse on the same corner. oft lrn' ae FOR RENT A new two story House, containing fyl eight rounts. situated on Dryades strest, corner St. aa" Andrew.

For terms, apply to WM ALKER, Dryade street, 1 o2e tf near Euterpe. FOR RENT Tbe lower floor of the Store No. 11 Common street. Apply opposite, at No. 119 Common street, front office, up atair.

to au2j tf W. STEVEN. FOR SALE OR RENT Tbe elecaut two story double tenement at the southeast corner of Calliope and Navadea streetA bath room, carriage house and table all complete, with or without the Furniture, elegant cas fixtures and chandeliera For terms and other particulars, apply to M8 lm J. ABRAMSON, 13 St. Charles St.

TO RENT A deslraMe two story Dwelling on Annunciation street, near tbe Square. Apply to oi7 tf EDW. PILSBURY, 67 Gravier street. FOR RENT A comfortable two story brick Dwelling House, lighted with gas and supplied with llti bath room aad a capacious vard. situated in Came street, between Orange street and Felicity Road.

Apply to Dr. MEUX, corner of Carondelet and Canal sueeu. 0.4 tf FOR RENT The store No. 10 Customhouse street, between Levee and Front Levee. Apply to P.

A. GIRAUD A oJ tf? 11 and l.i Customhouse St. FOR hENT Front Office (up stain) of No. as Gravier (treet. Apply to oJ tf C.

MILLER A Gravier ct TO LET The three story brirk Store 23 Msurazine street. Also. Front Office, second noor. of Is Ex i change Place. Apply to o2i tf T.

H. KENNEDY, 1 Camp street STORES ON CA MP STREET TO RENT The second story v( the Store No. 13 Camp street, now bccuiied bv tbe Grover A Baker Sewing Machine Company. Also, the second and third story of No. 11 Camp street.

Apply to oil tf WM CUSHING. 7 St. Cbarle St. TO RENT The two story Dwelling Hsuse, No. 6, from the corner of Lafayette, on Basin atreet, will be rented, by tbe year, low to a good tenant or articuiara, apply at tni omce, to tt tf A.

M. HOLBROOK. FOR RENT A large Office with pnvate entrance in rear of the New Orleans Savings' Institution. No. 143 Canal street Apply on tbe premise, slo tfT TO RENT The story Dwelling HouseT No.

3, second to corner of Basin, on Lafayette street, will be rented, by the year. Jow to a good tenant. For particulars, apply at this office, to ol tf A. M. HOLBROOK.

TO RENT The two story brirk Dwelling House .1 tsannoiomew street, rossesaion given is No vember next. Apply to 5 LARK, STAUFFER A ell tf ot Canal street. TO LET Two laige Stores, 117 and llaTchoupi touia street. Apply to R. EATON or PEEBLES.

OS tf 214 Carondelet street. FOR SALE OR RENT The two srory and attic brirk House Constance street, at present occupied by H. P. Janvier, f.sq. Irossession given on tne 1st November.

The house has every convenience for a large and respectable family, for further particular, apply to JOHN B. MURISON, o4 tf 17 Customhouse street. rl FOR RENT Several very deairabie Office front and rear, in the Iron Building corner of Camp and aw a rs ate Hex streetA Apsiy to tne LOUISIANA MUTUAL INS. corner Camp and Neteheg i C2 tf FOR RENT The Louisiana Savings Company beins about ta remove to their new ffice on St. street, the store now occupied by said Com pany, on the corner of Laiayette and Camp streetA in Odd Fellows' Hall, will be for rent from and alter the first of October next.

For terms. Ac, pply to T. H. SHIELDS, Secretary' Office, yt tf in Odd Fellows' HalL 1 1 1 x. i.

i 1 1 a M. UK mi I .1.1. next to corner of Basin, on Laiayette street, will be K. nMW tm mtm nknt Vnr nr. ticuiars apply at this office, to lT tir A.

M. HOLBROOK FOK RENT From 1st October Th very desira ble two story frame Dwellings 414 and 421 street APPiy to til nr. a aui in. 1 1 tf corner of Canal and Royal streetA OFFICES AND SLEEPING APARTMENTS To Rent Two neatly finished room for Offices on second floor, hwinc rood light, and two comfort able Sleeping Apartments on tne tnira noor. in tne toree story brick store No.

1 Bank Place, will be rented low by the year to a good tenant. For particulars apply at this office, to ss tf A. M. HOI lOOK. FOR SENT The offices now occupied by the dersirued.

corner of Canal and Carondelet streets; tbe Raildinr beine erected next door to MeaerA John Watt A Carondelet street ready lh October Apply to 'aui8 tf BYRNE, VANCE A CO. FOR lendiJ RENT Important to Merchant The ii splendid House and store corner of Common and St. Charles streetA formerly occupied by the late e. 1 I)rnnrnana Clothin Eatabiishment Apply to laco au tf tNKi Bl. rAL As Hoyau srreeA TO RENT The cooer part of the building No.

I Bank Place, well suited for office or light mechan ical ousinesA Possrssinn given immwl lately. Appty at the Picayune office. Jy4 tf CAKKIAGE KEPOSITORY. MARSH INAASI CO. SI, S3 and SS Common Between St Charlea and City Hotel.

CALECHES; ROCKAWATSj BRETTSt COACHES i BUGGIES; JERSEY. WAGONS. And a general aasortment ofHARNESS; for aale low for cash or city acceptanceA Ja39 ly Fruit Treea Fruit Treea. THE undersigned have accepted the Agency ia New Orleans of CoL John Hebron' celebrated LaGrange Nurseries and Orchard, aitoate nine mile east from Vicks burg and two and a half from Bovina and are prepared to receive and execute orders for every variety of Fruit and Ornamental Tree adapted to tbe Sooth. Deecnptive catalogues furnished free on application ta G.

D. METCALF. A 07 3m 34 Poydras tree Coal. Wood, Ve. PITTSBURG COAL, in balk and ia hhda.

Engiish Cannel Anthracite CHARCOAL OAK, ASH and FINE WOOD. Of the best quality, delivered in quantities to aoit purchasers at tbe lowest ratea, by JOHN C. STEWART. T7 Caatetnboaae atreet. wear Royal, aad B15 3t 8 New Basin aba atreet Landing.

Notice. THE public are hereby notified that my aon. JUNIUS POITEV ENT. ia my duly conatrtnted aad only agent in thi city for the sale of roy Lumber and ail other purposes, the receipt of moneys therefor, whet lie on account of aalea made heretofore or hereafter and all person indebted to me or to my account, for the purchase of Lumber or otherwise, are notified to at ike payment and settle Knent therefor with aim only, or on hi receipt Haso sc is at 40 Calliope street. B13 W.

J. FOrTEVXNT. MT friends and the public will please take notice that I am ao longer agent for W. Foils vent. Isa vimj left hw em ploy of my own free will and aceswd I anil be tbtrnd bereafter at W.

W. Carre A Co where I am folly to collect debt enirtrBrted cvevKje after. I am very thankful to fnewds for their very liheeal rrr. arw reawertfady solicit a contma of the same. Tbey win Bad oblige them with onytarag iaj avy line, iroaja mrting toaaaw log.

a at D. SNIDER Rae ei red. By late acnv 1 fraai LJicip sL lanr invoice af Dombie and Sineie Patent GUNS, which wiU be said ceedisigy cbea a ir. a i.hvii.m.w at ul OFTICE OP THE PICAYUNE, Tueaday Evening, Notentbsr 17. 1SST.

COTTON There baa been a better upplr cm th market to day and with aa active demaad tba sale av amounted to about 1L600 bale, price showing no inataarial change. We quote aa follow Ordinary ftU UO Good Ordinary Mjddling.l4 Law lllik)! Middling Fair. 0 STATEMENT OP COTTOW. Stock on band ua Septa mber, 18o7 bale T.aU Arrived since Arrived to day .14 aaa.l Exported to date. Exported to day.

.691 IJT. Stock an hand not cleared TOBACCO hear wf ao 11 jii. STATEMENT OP TOBACCO. Bwaca am bbbiiii las iipuiiBBll, 1SB1 Arrived a nee ll.gM l.i AVrrlved to day 1. 14.873 Exported to Exported to day I.78J Stock aa hand not cleared. RUG AR There baa beefi a good demand at about ye day' price, with aalea of aome BM hhda Pair to fully airo Wltc. IB MOLASSES About 1M bbla have beea aold to day at t3r. with some email lot at and SO hal bola at 2e4eJ7c AT gallon. FLOUR There baa been a good dsmaad with sale af about 4fi00 bblA comprising 100 anbranded at 160 Ohio opernae in fiatboat, to be delivered alongside ship, at 6 60; 1400 Ohio and Indiana at the aame; 150 Indlaaa at 5 330 fancy at 5 T8; 604 extra on private term and one or two other lota WHEAT We hear of no transactions of any consequence. CORN Some tono lacks bare been send Including KB ordinary new at 404Sc; 474 at 4.C.; 900 at 1A00 at 4ac and and 130 prime, mostly old.

at floe. 4" bushel. OATS lioo sack St Louis have been aold at 43c a bushel. BRAN Little or none on tbe Levee. PORK We notice sale of AO bbla old Mess St (17 bbL and 90s ta uwo by one party on private terms.

DRY SALTED MEATS A lot of 14 casks new, the Brrt received thi season, aold at 7c. for Shoulder and 9c If tt for Hams. BACON 10 casks new Bide taken at 12c. LARD We notice aalea of 30s keg prime at II and 9 to 30 tierce old, in lot, at ISc 4P V. WHISKEY ISO bbla ordinary Rectified (old in three ot at 17c.

and some nnall lot of extra at 19c gallon. COFFEE There la a good demand with aale to day of bag at 9c; 100 at Site, I.V) prime new crop at 10c and 114 skimmings at 8c if Bl RICE Prime new crop ia beld at 49tl1c and old duH at 3iC 1p TB INDIA BAGGING We notice aalea of 80 bales at lie" yard aud loo at the same price FREIGHTS A Ship wss taken for Have to day at tc. fog Cotton and one for Genoa at 1 lie Vessel on the berth Slug up with Cotton at' d. for Liverpool aad Ic tor Havre. 1 EXCHANGE The market baa been firmer, but La active.

We now.quote London. .90990 and loa. Pari New York fl New York Sight is ect. U. CA TTLEMARKE T.

Jefiersen City, Tuesday Evening, November IT. BEEP CATTLE Receipt to day ISO head. The market for the better description as ao narwhal firmer. We quote fair and fine Western at 8S and the lower de criptions at 6 irT3c. IB net, and Texas at tl3 a and 03Jihed.

HOGS Price declined to TS net Receipt to .1 St Ir in A I SHEEP A moderate stock of fair Sheep. Price $4 3f bead in lots. MILCH COWS We quote at head with a few isolated sales at a 100 head for extra stock. Receipts 96 head. VEAL CATTLE A fair demand.

Price at 50910 head. MONETARY AND Tuesday Evesihg, lirov. 17. The trine of the market ia not much changed to day. Money is in partially better supply, bat capitalist are (till very timid, and will only now and then take hold of some unexceptionable piece of paper at lav.B Vet.

There I a (lit position among some of tbe larger bank ta do little discounting, and as payments are made to a much better extent than before. It ia likely that fresh BC" commodation. which are greatly needed for ordinary' business facilities, will soon be granted. All the bank are getting along snugly, and every one of them pay apecia in full. The suspension on the part of a few of these institutions was only temporary and quite partiaL There was a total absence of excitement in the atreet thi morning.

The approaching new from Europe by tbe Niagara give rise to a little talk. From tbe tenor af tbe despatches by the Ariel, published thi morning; some people anticipate bad accountA Cotton operator however, did not seem to labor under thi persuasion, for tbe sales were large, though at some what Irregular price. There was some demand to day for Sterling, and aalea of good to prime bills were made at 8ra101, and 1011(9' lei! for selected (iguatnrea Tbe downward range may be quoted to 16. In Francs there I not much doing, and the late extend all the way from 5t SL7a Sight en New York was irregular at IV is. fret discount A ronnd amount of one day Bight was sold at 2.

The question of the cotton crop begins to attract aome attention, thongh less importance is attached to tt than in ordinary year. Tbe estimates ran from 31 to 3300 M. It appear that on the night of the lotb there was a killing froat throughout tbe whole cotton growing region. We do not believe it inflicted mach harm, bat we hear of complaint in aome sections of high wind and rain which have beaten out a good deal of the open cotton. The weather continue highly propition for aecoring the sugar erop.

From New York our date are to tbe 11th inst. Foreign Exchanges by tbe Persia, which sailed on that day, closed tamely at 107910" for Sterling, and ff 405f.5 for Francs. The specie engagrtnenta for tne steamer were not over The eon ditioa of money matter ia thus reported on in the Times i We bear of no quotable change in discount ratea Transaction in paper contiuae to be confined to a small list of very ciioire name, but there are indication of returning conndence, except for dry goods pper. which erm tone retarded with especial distrust Tbe bank are easy, and dirposed to accommodate to any reasonable extent but are obliged to scrutinize paper offered for new loan mare closely than us aL We cannot find that any seriou in tentiun of resuming specie payment before Spring laea tertained, though aome of tbe strongest institution are In good condition to commence at once. The inequality la so great however, that the attempt would be hazardous and oppressive to the weaker coacernA So far a accommodation to cs stonier Indicates the' fact, there is practically no auspension.

most of the banks payia oak coin over their counters for all ordinary bust ea conve nienceA A general restoration in contwenra and a more easy, working of the machinery of basiness, together with a more equal and natural movement fn domestic exchanges, should precede resumption. The equilibria a cf trade and rinnnce measurably restored, the bank caa venture upon the step without fear of unsettling matters, and with uo fears of inability to sustain theniaelves. Re. nmnfiAn ul not take blare at present wit Out tmixjs ing a degree of restraint which would perhapf BA ke aha remedy as na a as me an For Male, A SMALL lot of Choice Havana CIGARS, also a baiea Havana TOBACCO, of superior quality. Apply ta BERNARD ROCK A ns ira 3 Caronde let street.

Arkaaaaa Bonda. Ain nnri REAL ESTATE BANK BONDS for sale lJ.jyjJ by B. D. WHITNEY. nis ttT 39 Natchex atreet.

For fale. EMELINE. a very likely woman, a first rate A Nat wsaber and ironer and good cook, about 34 year old fully guaranteed. Sue caa be had on trial by on. the undersigned, mi tf SCHMIDT A ZEIOLER, 1T Old Levee.

Manhattan Life Inaaranre Company, OFFICE Bank of Commerce Building, No. 31 Nassau street opposite tbe Post Office, New York. Cash Capital and Accumulation, BtaxaOUa. Deposited with tba Comptroller of the State, for tbe aecanty of all policy, holders, a 100. mar.

according ta law. C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary. N.

D. MORGAN, President. W. A BARTLETT. Acrat, nl4 tu Gravier stxeeA.

Tezaa I.aada. THE anderaigned are locating LANDS TWtiiaaaa terma Ail hoae holding claims far Lands aai caaveat would de well to call ea the subscribers. J. M. 8MOOT, Aitsm, Dentoa eoeaty.

Teaaa, Tfi I Gvaviev street. New Oriel LUNCH LUNCH. At 1. VINCENTS. F.

Iefewre, Haeeeaaor. THE andersixned begs leave so iAJraa tbe po Wlc Bad ladiea in particalar. that from this be'vill bav. a LUNCH served every day, conssM of CoBCbaea late. Boned Turkey, Maya nawea, Haav RoflataTangaA Daube.

Fried Oysters, Oyster aonp. Ic Cresa, Preaaa Mr. LEAVER fU g. eat care and iirtwaUryin i fi hag aU order fog BaU. Par ea.

Dinner, Suppers. WeadinirA yR gBCCvsaovto J. VINCENT, Corner Canal and Catwadelart, aad coraer Royal aad St Peter streetA AH order for the caoatry will be carefully aad prewiptly attended ta, MM AglTlTua apaary soar ram. rsrte snauafacturing i wahHakaBial af Botea. re aectfully aoitcrts the par0nage af tan CU aras of New Oe lean and vicinity.

GENTLEMAN recently ia the earptey af the rerivr I aaa lili i aa i I t. sem ov an. Apyucatioa may be tnade at 3i 13 Expre OaVce, an ger tne at. aarwai nova. N.

Partyrauarattentiarn will be given ta the select! oa ofPianea fa*g those who are aba at te pore aae. aa af grr the Bt aarie nom pure! PapUa Waatasl. FRENCH, "paa iaa. rsaaa aad EagU LawSSSaWW; and the Pa aatta agnA by a LadyTNa. 1 CrwsaraA Row.

Canal atreet. Refonncea Rew. Dr. LeacsK k. L.

BL Place. Hoa.Tra anond Lamlry. Haa P. Soale. edge risen, Edgar aLaaae gwt, P.

C. Wright Pally Htmre tin, from tint' tMiimg Ta WASHINGTON. A Raw. A. nrtvnAB tawaaagb I 1 i tAwsmurb ta Wa oaai Uaaan.

rare. raaBB sg ti urtmcb Maaa caU. Was rwa, CTTcZni wA tb rnTtl smiieat mum Caaaaw lia al Canataa vi" I rB" Hot apv asa. Lise toClar a Bjka, aad ta El aanikML lECin asv BXLDING tTON ass.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.