Johnson City Press from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)

Morning, February 5, 1949 JOHNSON CITY. TENN. PRESS-CHRONICLE Page Three Section Marriage Of December 22 Announced Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Jess Howard Shoemaker that their youngest daughter, Ruby Lee, and Sergeant W.

L. Newham were married December 22 at 11 a. m. in Folkston, Ga. Sergeant Newham is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. R. Newham of route 5, Orlando, Fla. A. S.

McQueen officiated at the ceremony. The bride wore a blue silk dress with black accessories. Following the ceremony the couple spent the holidays with the groom's parents and now are visiting the bride's parents. Sergeant Newham is stationed with the 14th Air Base in Orlando, and upon receiving his discharge he plans to take a position as auto mechanic in Florida. OES Will Meet ELK PARK, C.

Feb. 5. Cranberry Chapter No. 135, Order of the Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Edith Isaaes is worthy matron.

will hold the regular meeting in the Masonic Hall, Tuesday, February 8, at 7:30 p. m. EXPERT DYEING FRENCH DRY CLEANERS Johnson City Jonesboro Erato You learn a lot from your first baby! Often a hint from your doctor shows you how Camp maternity support helps your appearance, health and comfort! These scientific garments help lessen muscle strain, backaches. You feel better less tired. We have Camp-trained fitter to serve you.

CAMP Market St. Drug Co. 134 W. Market St. Phone 5212 We alse carry a complete Ins af other Scientific ENGAGED The engagement of Miss Betty Jane Dupell to Bernard A.

Carie of Vincennes, today is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dupell, East Watauga avenue.

The groom-elect's parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Carie of Vincennes.

The wedding is being planned for Saturday, February 19, at 8 a. in St. Mary's Catholic Church here. No formal invitations are being issued, but all friends of the couple are invited to the ceremony. Home Of Mrs.

C. L. DeBord Setting For Club Meeting The 27 members of the Johnson City Garden Club were entertained for their luncheon meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C. L.

DeBord, 715 East Myrtle avenue. An unusual feature was a collection of old photographs of members, and three members present were able to identify. all of them. Members responded to roll call by repeating a Valentine verse. The flower arrangement study was conducted by Mrs.

Pascal Fields. An informative address on frames for early blooming of GIVE HER 7 Valentine 3 The laciest handkerchief, the frilliest blouse, the most feminine lingerie these are valentines that aim straight at a woman's heart. Come make your choice and let us wrap it prettily, Lacy Handkerchiefs to 2.49 Lacy Blouses 7.95 to 14.95 Lacy Slips 3,95 to 29.95 Lacy Gowns 1.95 to 34.95 THE CARL H. KING CO. 204-206 E.

MAIN ST. Dr. W. B. Smith Will Be Speaker Dr.

Warren B. Smith, chief of medical service, Veterans Administration, Mountain Home, will address the Monday Club at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon on "Diseases of the Heart," in the clubroom of Mayne Williams Library. Dr. Smith is a member of the American Heart Association, the Illinois Heart Association, an associate, of the American College of Physicians, and a diplomat of the American Board 1 of Internal Medicine, He has recently returned to the United States from the Virgin Islands. An important meeting of the Monday Club board will be held at 1 p.

m. in the clubroom and will be followed by a business meeting at 2 o'clock. All Monday Club members are urged to attend. Princeton Circle Is Entertained In Bowman Home Circle No. 2.

of Princeton Presbyterian Church convened at the home of Mrs. R. W. Bowman the past week and the meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. D.

D. Duggar. Business session was conducted by Mrs. C. E.

Adams, chairman, and the Bible lesson was taught by Mrs. John Cooper. Mrs. Perry Baker assisted Mrs. Bowman in serving at the social hour to the following: Mesdames Faye Rowe, C.

E. Adams, J. N. White, E. Rushing, Harry Swadley, D.

D. Duggar, John Cooper, Earl McCoy and Mrs. Perry Baker. The February meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Perry Baker, it was announced.

Oak Hill Mrs. Roby Hicks remains ill. Miss Bonnie Kate Cox has been taken home after an operation at a Johnson City hospital. E. A.

Martin is recovering from an illness. Several people from here attended the Fall Branch-Sulphur Springs basketball game Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones have moved into their new.

home here. Wayne Painter, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Frank Dunn remains ill, Bill Jack Barr is a patient at a Johnson City hospital. Miss Anna Mary Odell is improving from an illness. Mrs.

Lyman Brown and daughter spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Lyman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Martin. Earl and Wilma Martin spent Monday night with their grandmother, Mrs. Julia Light of Sulphur Springs. We Latecomers To Play Will Miss 'Important' Scene Pete Naher, business manlager of the Johnson City Little Theatre Players, announced yesterday that latecomers to "Rope" will miss an important scene if they are not on hand for the 8:15 p. m.

curtain next week. Naher said that the play would "begin promptly on time" and that the auditorium doors would be closed until the opening scene had been finished. He pointed out that that scene called for "playing on a darkened stage with a completely blacked-out and that late entrances would detract from the "quiet effectiveness and hushed manner in which it would be presented." Naher, himself a member of the "Rope" cast, will portray the part of "Raglan," a "'young, simple lad, foolish and. good with no ideas Circle Welcomes 4 New Members Four new members were welcomed at the February meeting of Circle No. 3 of Bethlehem Lutheran Church held at the home of Mrs.

Robert Cooper, Cherokee road. They were Mrs. Albert Winebarger, Mrs. Ralph Propst, Mrs. Edith Maurer and Mrs.

C. Wohlgemuth. The meeting was called to Order and presided over by Mrs. B. F.

Sipes. Devotionals were conducted by Mrs. R. H. McManus, Mrs.

Earl Crawford gave the secretary's report, and Mrs. Finley O'Dell the treasurer's review, Circle chairman, Mrs. H. E. McDowell, made several suggestions concerning work of the circle.

Chairmen were elected as follows: Altar chairman, Mrs. Albert Winebarger; courtesy, Miss Mary Esther Propst; flower, Mrs. R. H. McManus, assisted by Mrs.

Ralph Propst; nursery, Mrs. Earl Crawford, assisted by Mrs. Finley O'Dell; social, Mary Esther Propst and Mrs. Winebarger. Names were drawn for "secret pals." The meeting was closed with the group repeating the Lord's Prayer.

Announcement was made that the next meeting would be with Mrs. Paul Pulkerson. Those present were Mesdames Earl Crawford, Edith Maurer, Finley O'Dell, Albert Winebarger, R. A. Harrison, F.

Parsons, C. Wohlgemuth, Robert Cooper, R. H. MeManus, B. F.

Sipes, Ralph Propst, J. Baxley, Paul Fulkerson, H. E. McDowell, and Miss Mary Esther Propst. Pamphleteer Thomas Paine was also an inventor: he sought to interest British and French in an iron bridge he invented in the year 1787, proudly whatever." His part in the current Little Theatre -play will be his first local stage showing since a one-act part in the early forties.

"In Hal Youngblood and Maurice Ottinger, the Johnson City Little Theatre is developing two young actors expected to add stature to their performances as they continue spirited interpretations on the local stage," a spokesman said. "Both members of the Footlight Players of State College, they promise valuable contributions as their stage experience advances. Youngblood, who took part in several high school plays and acted in his college's presentation of. "The Man Who Came to will make his. second Little Theatre appearance as "Brandon," one of the young killers in "Rope," scheduled for Thursday and Friday presentation.

He will be remembered as "Judge Wilkins" in "Dear Ruth." Ottinger, too, has worked for the Footlight Players for roles in Night Must Fall The Skin of TOur Teeth, "The Taming of the Shrew," The Man Who, Came to Dinner," and "Hay Fever," and shared in the productions of, the Maryville College Experimental Theatre. In "Rope," Ottinger is paired with Youngblood as the of the two murderers," it was pointed out. MARTIN'S Home Better Waves Machine Permanent F00 Machineless Permanent 750 Cold Waves Zotoz Waves The Sensation New Radar Wave $10 up No extra charge for hair cut. or styling. Phone 598 or 2436 111 Spring St.

Is Entertained Jonesboro Club plants, and hot beds was given by Mrs. Reuben Treadway, who displayed drawings on the subject. Mrs. Fields suggested many ideas for miniature arrangements and cited containers unusual design, such as thimbles, sea shells, walnut shells, and bantam egg shells, mounted. Church and altar also were discussed, as well as tables and wall vases.

Mrs. Mel Smith, club president, presided at the business session, and the group studied Mrs. DeBord's collection of African violets. Nancy Jo Irwin Is Leader For Program Nancy Jo Irwin was leader at a meeting of the Jonesboro MeDowell Music Club held recently in the high school auditorium. Club song was given by Emma Sue Campbell, and pledge by John B.

Shanks. Collect was by Richard King, Piano solos were presented by Shirley Sue Reed, Ray Tittle and Norma Rector, and a vocal solo was by Jimmy Fleenor. Emma Campbell, president, presided at the business meeting during which he secretary read the minutes and called the roll. Plans for a recital were discussed. Mrs.

D. R. Haworth, sponsor, was present. Limestone Mrs. Fred Reeser has returned home, after visiting her daughter, Mrs.

Guy Stonecypher in Toledo, Ohio. W. F. Smith has gone to Cincinnati on a business trip. Mrs.

Haynor Wells of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Richardson. Mrs.

Cecil Armstrong, Mrs. Annie R. Keebler, and Mrs. Guy Huffman shopped in Johnson City Thursday Mr. and Mrs.

W. T. Broyles have returned to Limestone to make their home. Sam Keebler and Ray Williams have returned home after a business trip to Florida. Mrs.

William Garrison remains a patient in a Greenville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. O. C.

Arnold are spending a month in Florida. Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Dewey Mitchell spent Saturday in Johnson City visiting their sister, Miss Mary Shields. The Sunshine Guild will meet Friday night at the home of Mrs.

Ray Williams. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Gillespie, and Mrs. Sam Keebler visited in Bristol recently. Mrs. M. J.

McCollum recently visited Mrs. Rhea Anderson, who The following program was presented by the Jonesboro Opus Music Club recently: "Pagoda Bells," Anne Baker "Coolie Dance," Becky Poteat; "Sing Foy," Charlotte Hood; "Jap anese Night Song, Carolyn Wilson: "Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Music," Elizabeth Stinson, "Japanese Doll," Martha Lee Harrison: "Japanese Lanterns," Christine Lovegrove "Japanese Maiden," Jean Tucker, Violet Livingstone, program chairman, charge. Refreshments were served and a so cial hour was held. Watauga Mrs. John Acord of Baltimore, visited Mr.

and Mrs. Miles Campbell recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston and children have returned after a two weeks vacation trip to Florida, Mrs.

J. G. Lane and Mrs. James Rumbley shopped in Johnson City Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.

Ollie Shell is ill at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Dempsey of Johnson City visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scott here recently, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Osborne of Johnson City visited Mrs. Osborne's mother, Mrs. W. E.

Reel, recently Mrs. John Sheffield and son of Hunter visited Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Sheffield last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Saylor and family spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shell at Johnson City, Mr. and Mrs.

G. B. Lewis and family spent last week-end with telatives at Fish Springs. Claude W. Woods of Bluff City was a business visitor here Thursday, Mrs.

Bill Dempsey and Mrs. Howard Vanhoy and children were dinner guests of Mrs. Walter Scott Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Sidney Houston announce the birth of a daughter last week at the St. Elizabeth Hospital at Elizabethton. Harvey G. Pearce of Elizabethton was a business visitor here Tuesday. Miss Rose Reynolds is spending the week-end at Bristol, as the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. H. G. Barlow and family. FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS Phone 1455-J is ill.

mademoiselle Shots boy Carlisle, prettiest things on hue -Black Calf and Amber Calf Coals. Main 204-206 SALON St. $12-50 (FED. TAX INCL) BONBON AND CANDY DISH Five STERLING, inch length -an exquisite sterling gilt. SPODE LENOX and LONGINGS CHINA TOWLE GORBAM WEDGEWOOD and H.

E. HART HAMILTON REED and ELGIN BARTON The Shop of Beautiful Gifts WATCHES STERLING SILVER 214 Main St. GIFT SHOP Sapphin- nylons of lasting-loveliness Pardon our puffing with pride. But when you've seen these sheer-as-snowmist Nylons yourself, you'll know why we swept our shelves clean of so, many other stocking brands. (At cost, mind you).

You'll understand why we like other fine shops throughout the country proud to feature SAPPHIRE. For these quality Nylons are impeccably PROPORTIONED for perfect fit, comfort and serviceability and one of the three SAPPHIRE PROPORTIONED Leg-Sizes (SHORT, AVERAGE or LONG) will fit YOU with all the nicety of custom-made clothes. And we have them in such delightful, SAPPHIRE-rich colors created for smart coordination with spring ensembles that once you've seen them, you'll never, never, never wear any stockings but SAPPHIRE. From 1.35 to 2.50 a pair A STAR Luxury Sheer, for evening romancing. 2.50 a pair LUXURY SHEER SANDALS for shell-shoe a pail toast to co*cktail 1.95 a DRESSY for afternoon a pair ALL PURPOSE SHEER SANDALS for scooped out daytimers 1.95 a pair 204-206 ALL PURPOSE for all 'round 1.65 a pair E.

Main St. DAYTIME- for city-country 1.35 a pair STURDY in tune with a pair in 3. SAPPHIRE PROPORTIONED LEG SIZES: SHORT AVERAGE LONG THE CARL H. KING CO..

Johnson City Press from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.