Homemade Bread Stuffing (2024)

This seasoned bread stuffing will be an easy-to-make and super flavorful addition to your holiday table.

Bread Stuffing Ingredients

These are the ingredients you’ll need to make this bread stuffing recipe:

  • Butter: This bread stuffing recipe starts with two sticks of butter.
  • Vegetables: You’ll need chopped celery with leaves and a chopped onion.
  • Bread: Nine cups of chopped bread cubes should make about 16 servings.
  • Seasonings: Season the bread stuffing with salt, dried sage, dried thyme, poultry seasoning, and black pepper.

Recipe Tip

To save time, you can find pre-cubed bread in most grocery stores.

How to Make Bread Stuffing

You’ll find the full, step-by-step recipe below — but here’s a brief overview of what you can expect when you make homemade bread stuffing:

  1. Sauté the vegetables in butter until the onion is soft.
  2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a large bowl.
  3. Stir the buttery veggie mixture into the bread mixture.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a casserole dish, cover with foil, and bake until golden.

How to Store Bread Stuffing

Store the leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to four days. Reheat in the microwave or in the oven.

Can You Freeze Bread Stuffing?

Yes! Freeze your leftover bread stuffing in zip-top bags wrapped in foil (or in another freezer-safe container) for up to three months.

Editorial contributions by Corey Williams

Homemade Bread Stuffing (2024)


How to keep stuffing moist when baking? ›

Typically, baking the stuffing inside the bird helps keep the mixture moist. “I prefer stuffing (in the bird) to dressing (outside of the bird) because all those delicious drippings that come off the turkey gets absorbed right into the stuffing,” Bamford says.

Is it better to make stuffing with fresh or dry bread? ›

Any attempts to make stuffing with soft, fresh baked bread will result in a bread soup with a soggy texture. Follow this tip: Stale, dried-out bread makes the best stuffing.

What is homemade stuffing made of? ›

The BEST traditional Thanksgiving Stuffing recipe is easy to make dried bread cubes, sausage, diced vegetables, and chicken broth. It's a great side dish to make ahead of time and it definitely tastes best homemade!

Why put eggs in stuffing? ›

Broth: Chicken broth keeps the stuffing moist without making it soggy. Eggs: Two lightly beaten eggs help hold the dressing together and add moisture. Water: You can add a few tablespoons of water, if you'd like, to achieve your desired consistency.

How do you know if your stuffing is moist enough? ›

The stuffing should be moist but not wet. If there is a puddle of broth at the bottom of the bowl, you've added too much. Add more bread to soak up the excess moisture. If the mix is still dry and crumbly, add more liquid and toss gently until it starts to clump together.

What temperature should stuffing be cooked at? ›

How do you safely cook stuffing? The stuffed meat, poultry, or stuffing in a casserole should be placed immediately after preparation in an oven set no lower than 325 °F. A food thermometer should be used to ensure that the stuffing reaches the safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F.

How long do you let bread dry for stuffing? ›

If you don't want to take up space in the oven, you can always leave the bread out on the counter to dry. A day or two before you assemble your stuffing, cut the bread into cubes. Then, lay the cubes onto sheet pans and let them dry out at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours.

Is it better to make stuffing the night before? ›

Yes! You can absolutely make stuffing ahead of time. It's a great way to get a jumpstart on Thanksgiving cooking and it frees up much-needed oven space.

What is the difference between Thanksgiving dressing and stuffing? ›

"Stuffing is cooked in the cavity of the turkey, so the juices soak into the ingredients, making it more flavorful. Dressing gets cooked on its own and needs extra liquid to make it flavorful." So stuffing is cooked inside the bird. Dressing is cooked outside the bird, usually in a casserole dish.

What is stuffing called when it is not stuffed? ›

Some people make the distinction that dressing is the proper name for the dish when it has been prepared outside of the bird—that is, when it has not been stuffed and cooked inside.

Why is stuffing so tasty? ›

Stuffing has a symbiotic relationship with turkey. As it cooks, the herbs in the stuffing infuse into the bird, giving it a lot more flavor. The turkey, in turn, drips all its delicious juices into the stuffing as it cooks, moistening it and making it taste great.

Why is Thanksgiving stuffing so good? ›

Juices from the turkey soaked into the stuffing, infusing it with fat and flavor. "You've got those juices, and those juices taste great,” Smith said.

What can you use as a binder instead of eggs in stuffing? ›

Some common egg substitutes include:
  1. Mashed banana. Mashed banana can act as a binding agent when baking or making pancake batter. ...
  2. Applesauce. Applesauce can also act as a binding agent. ...
  3. Fruit puree. ...
  4. Avocado. ...
  5. Gelatin. ...
  6. Xanthan gum. ...
  7. Vegetable oil and baking powder. ...
  8. Margarine.
Mar 30, 2021

How much stuffing per person? ›

Plan to serve about 3/4 cup of stuffing per guest. That amounts to roughly 4 cups of prepared stuffing for 5 guests and 7-1/2 cups for 10 guests. However, if you have grand plans for using leftovers in Stuffin' Muffins or turkey potpie with a stuffing crust, feel free to make a little bit more.

How to keep stuffing from drying out? ›

If the stuffing feels dry, add a splash of stock or some turkey drippings before rewarming.

How do you keep stuffing warm without drying it out? ›

He uses the hot broth on stuffing, too, rather than putting the stuffing in the oven to heat it up (and risking drying it out). "I make indentations in the trays of stuffing with a spoon," he says, "I put the hot chicken stock in it and it keeps it warm."

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