Frequently Asked Questions | Phi Theta Kappa (2025)

I’m Thinking about Joining

What is Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society?

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) recognizes the academic achievement of college students and provides opportunities for its members to grow as scholars and leaders. Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa has a presence on almost 1,300 community college campuses in 11 nations. The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) recognized Phi Theta Kappa as the official honor society for two-year colleges in 1929. More than 3.8 million students have been inducted since 1918, with approximately 250,000 active members in the nation’s community colleges, making Phi Theta Kappa a true catalyst among members and colleges.

How do I become a member?

To join, you must receive an invitation* from the Phi Theta Kappa chapter at your college. The local chapter determines eligibility, and requirements can vary by chapter. Contact your college’s PTK advisor to determine if you are eligible.

Find your local advisor using theAdvisor Search.

*If you have been invited already and received your pass code, you can accept membershiphere.

What if my invitation has expired?

Once the invitation has expired, you must contact the local PTK advisor to see if you are still eligible. If you are, your advisor can give you a new passcode to join.

Find your local advisor using theAdvisor Search.

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • Be enrolled in an institution that has a Phi Theta Kappa chapter
  • Have completed at least 12 hours of coursework toward an associate or bachelor’s degree or at least 6 hours of coursework toward a 1-year certificate
  • Generally, have a cumulative 3.5 grade point average*
    *A chapter may raise eligibility standards, as long as they are in accordance with the Society’sConstitution.

Once you’re eligible, you’ll receive an invitation (usually by mail or email) to join the chapter at the college where you’re presently enrolled. If you think you may be eligible for membership but haven’t received an invitation, talk with the advisor of your college’s chapter.Find your local advisor.

What types of students are eligible?

Students who are associate degree-seeking; one-year certificate/diploma-seeking; bachelor’s degree-seeking; part-time; workforce; transfer only (not earning an associate degree or certificate); previously earned another degree; international; dual enrolled with high school and college, etc. are eligible for membership if they meet the membership criteria stated in the local chapter’s bylaws. Generally, associate and bachelor’s degree students must have taken 12 hours of college-level coursework. Certificate students must have taken 6 hours of coursework.

My first attempt at college did not go well. Are those grades used to determine eligibility?

It depends on your current college’s policy. Each institution determines its policy on whether prior work from the institution or other institutions is included in determining eligibility for membership. In cases where previous work is to be included, rules for membership eligibility must be clearly outlined in the chapter’s bylaws.

How much time is required to be a member?

Phi Theta Kappa membership is what you make of it. The more you put in, the more you get out of it. Your best experience will come from engaging in the benefits PTK offers; however, we don’t require participation. Active members must only maintain the standards established by their local chapter.

Chapters cannot require participation in activities or withhold membership benefits (i.e. wearing graduation regalia, receiving letters of recommendations, etc.) based on lack of participation.

How much does the membership cost?

Phi Theta Kappa’s international membership fee is $60 and is paid only once. Members are also required to pay a one-time regional fee, which helps cover programming and events in your immediate geographic region. In addition, many chapters charge a local fee to help with the expenses of local chapter operations. To find out your chapter’s specific fees, contact your chapter’s advisor. If you are unsure whom to contact, find your college’s PTK advisor using theAdvisor Search.

I can’t afford the membership fee before the deadline. What are my options?

If you need financial assistance, reach out to the local PTK chapter advisor to find out if the chapter/college offers membership fee assistance. Find the PTK advisor on your campus using theAdvisor Search.

When does a student officially become a member?

Students become members when their membership fees have been paid online with a credit/debit card or when the advisor submits their information to Headquarters if the student paid the college/chapter. A student must be recorded as a member at Headquarters in order to receive all the rights, privileges, and benefits of membership.

I do not have a credit card. What are my options?

We only accept credit/debit card payments online. To use another form of payment, please contact the local PTK advisor for options. Find the advisor on your campus by using theAdvisor Search.

Also, you can obtain a prepaid debit/credit card and make payment via our website.

What are the benefits of joining?

  • Scholarshipsto help you complete your associate, bachelor’s, and even master’s degrees
  • Access to $246 million in transfer scholarships offered by over 800 four-year colleges and universities across the country
  • Leadership and service experiences that will boost your resume, making you more competitive for both PTK and non-PTK scholarships
Career Training
  • Professional skills employers seek through our exclusive onlineCompetitive Edgeprogram
  • Navigate the job market with our one-of-a-kindEmployment Edgetraining course
  • Request personalized letters of recommendation for job applications
Transfer Success
  • UsePTK Connectto search for four-year colleges and universities that are transfer friendly and see the scholarships they offer to community college students — including those exclusively for PTK members
  • Take the trickiness out of transferring and get advice from admissions pros through our exclusiveTransfer Edgeonline course
  • Phi Theta Kappa Golden Key Membership Pin
  • Phi Theta Kappa Membership Certificate
  • Recognition during chapter induction ceremony
  • Opportunity to wear Phi Theta Kappa graduation regalia*
  • Official Phi Theta Kappa seal placed on your college diploma*
  • Notation of membership on your college transcript*
  • Press release announcing your academic achievement
    *Contingent on college policy
Special Discounts and Offers
  • Dell
  • Enterprise and National
  • GlobalFit
  • Hurst Review Services
  • Lenovo
  • BetterHelp
  • StudyBuddy.Live

Want to start a PTK Chapter? Here’s how!

For additional information, please visit ourSociety Resource Library.

I’m a New Member

I am a member. What now?

  1. Explore your benefits.Log in using the credentials you created during the acceptance process. You’ll find job skills development, challenging academic programs, scholarships, transfer support, and more.
  2. Get involved locally.Attend your induction ceremony. This event honors you and is the perfect way to meet other members, many of whom are new just like you! Connect with your local PTK advisor for more details using theAdvisor Search.
  3. Check out our blog,The Reach.
  4. Follow us on social media.We’re onInstagram, Twitter,Facebook,LinkedIn, TikTok andYouTube. Start by sharing news of your membership with#IAMPTK!

What graduation regalia can/should I wear?

Please contact your local PTK chapter advisor, graduation coordinator, or academic advisor regarding the guidelines on what graduation regalia you can and cannot wear during your college’s commencement ceremony.

I am already a member of another chapter. Do I have to pay again?

No, you do not have to pay again. Just request to transfer your membership. Start by contacting the PTK advisor at your current college, so the advisor can verify you meet the requirements of that chapter. If you do, the advisor can submit a request to Headquarters to officially transfer your membership.

You can find the Phi Theta Kappa advisor on your campus by using theAdvisor Search.

What happens if my GPA drops?

Each chapter has the responsibility of setting standards for continued active membership. In the event that a member does not meet these standards, the name of the member shall be removed from the Society’s official membership roster. These standards will clearly be defined in the chapter’s bylaws.

To find out your chapter’s specific requirements, contact your PTK advisor by using theAdvisor Search.

Member Account

What is my username?

Your username is your email address. If you are unsure what email address you used for your account, contact us call (800) 946-9995, and let us help. We are open Mon.-Fri., 8:30 AM-5 PM CST.

I can’t remember my password.

To reset your password, log in and click Forgot password?and an email will be sent to you to reset your password.

How can I get proof of membership?

If you need membership proof/verification, you can access a PDF copy of your membership certificate by logging in, and clicking on your name.Under “Membership and Participation,” then “Membership Details,” you will see a link to “Click Here to Generate Membership Certificate PDF.”

You can also request a letter of recommendation by logging in and going to Members > Member Tools >Letter of Recommendation, OR you can purchase an official membership certificate

For additional information, please visit ourSociety Resource Library.

Frequently Asked Questions | Phi Theta Kappa (2025)


Do employers care about Phi Theta Kappa? ›

Join Phi Theta Kappa - yes, it looks good on your resume, and may make a difference when interviewing for competitive jobs or educational programs.

Is it hard to get into Phi Theta Kappa? ›

Easier Admission Standards: The eligibility requirements—being enrolled in a PTK-affiliated institution and maintaining a 3.5 GPA—are not exceptionally rigorous. In fact, the PTK bylaws only require a 3.0 GPA, which is even more lax.

What GPA do you need to stay in Phi Theta Kappa? ›

You are expected to have a 3.5 GPA when you apply for membership. However, after joining Phi Theta Kappa you are expected to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA.

How many people get into Phi Theta Kappa? ›

More than 4.3 million students have been inducted since 1918, with approximately 250,000 active members in the nation's community colleges, making Phi Theta Kappa a true catalyst among members and colleges.

Should you list Phi Theta Kappa on a resume? ›

Yes, you can put Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) on a resume, but you should think twice about it. While it's technically permissible to include PTK on your resume, there are several reasons why it may not be as beneficial as you might think.

Can you get kicked out of Phi Theta Kappa honor society? ›

Each chapter has the responsibility of setting standards for continued active membership. In the event that a member does not meet these standards, the name of the member shall be removed from the Society's official membership roster.

How prestigious is PTK? ›

Phi Theta Kappa's membership is generally the top 10% of students attending community college. We are proud that almost 1/3 of our members have 4.0 GPAs. Here are the general qualifications at most colleges. Enrollment in a college with a Phi Theta Kappa chapter.

What is the Phi Theta Kappa controversy? ›

Controversies and member misconduct

In 2024, Phi Theta Kappa entered into two lawsuits over false advertising, attempted monopoly, and trade dress.

Is Phi Theta Kappa an accomplishment? ›

As the official honor society for two-year colleges granted by the American Association of Community Colleges, Phi Theta Kappa offers prestigious recognition that distinguishes members as scholars and leaders. It starts with the Golden Key membership pin, but it doesn't end there.

What is the best honor society to join? ›

Widely considered to be the nation's most prestigious honor society, Phi Beta Kappa aims to promote and advocate excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and to induct the most outstanding students of arts and sciences at American colleges and universities.

Can you lose a Phi Theta Kappa membership? ›

In general, you must maintain a “B” average — 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) — to remain a PTK member. However, individual chapters can set their own maintenance GPA's, so check with your local advisor.

How exclusive is Phi Theta Kappa? ›

PTK promotes itself as an exclusive honor society, claiming that its members are in the "Top 10%" of their class. However, data from various community colleges reveals that this claim is often misleading. In reality, PTK's membership frequently includes students in the top 40-60% of their class, not the top 10%.

Is Phi Theta Kappa respected? ›

As the official honor society for two-year colleges granted by the American Association of Community Colleges, Phi Theta Kappa offers prestigious recognition that distinguishes members as scholars and leaders. It starts with the Golden Key membership pin, but it doesn't end there.

Does Phi Kappa Phi look good on resume? ›

While Phi Kappa Phi is much more than a line on a résumé, it is an impressive line none-the-less. When it's time to apply for a job, a scholarship, or a graduate program, our materials will help you highlight your membership in the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline honor society.

Do employers care about Phi Beta Kappa? ›

When considering job applicants, it is not unusual for companies to call the national headquarters of the Society to confirm Phi Beta Kappa membership. “For employers who know what Phi Beta Kappa is, it is that mark of distinction that a person is bright and probably worked quite hard,” explains Anderson.

Is Phi Theta Kappa an achievement? ›

Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in higher education, serving 1,270 two-year colleges around the world and offering exclusive programs and benefits for members that contribute to a dynamic, multi-dimensional college experience. Promoting academic achievement is only part of PTK's purpose.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.