Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (2024)

If you’re a chicken owner, you know the excitement of collecting eggs from your own backyard chicken coop. I love having a basket of beautiful eggs on my kitchen counter. But sometimes, the thrill is dampened by the appearance of tiny blood spots when I crack my eggs open. This can be disheartening, especially if this is the first time you encounter a spot of blood on the yolk of an egg. What causes these unsightly marks, and are they safe to eat? Don’t worry; I have the answers you need on blood spots in chicken eggs.

Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (1)

I have noticed that a couple of my aging hens are giving me eggs occasionally with blood or meat spots. The weather here has been extremely cold which may have these older hens under stress. I have also found a tiny fairy egg, another indication of my aging hens. This spring, I plan on introducing some new hens to my flock.

If you have never heard of fairy eggs – read my post on these tiny eggs.

Blood spots versus brown or white spots in chicken eggs.

First, let’s define blood spots. Blood spots are tiny, red spots that can occur on the yolk or the egg white of chicken eggs. These spots happen when tiny blood vessels rupture during the formation of the egg. Only about 1% of eggs have an occurrence of blood spots, which can be caused by stress, a hen’s age, or diet. Blood spots are generally considered safe to eat and do not indicate a fertilized egg.

On the other hand, meat spots are small brown or white specs that usually appear in the yolk or white of the egg. These spots are bits of the hen’s reproductive tract, such as tissue or a piece of the oviduct lining. Meat spots typically occur more frequently than blood spots and are sometimes caused by variations in the hen’s diet, stress, or age. Although many believe that blood or meat spots are a sign of a fertilized egg or developing embryo, this is a common misconception. They sound and look gross, for sure.

Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (4)

To identify blood spots from meat spots.

Here are a few things to help you decide. Blood spots are usually bright red and are similar in appearance to a small drop of blood. They tend to be circular or oval in shape. Meat spots are not perfectly round, can vary in shape and size, and are not bright red. Meat spots are either brown or white, depending on the location from which they originated. I understand that these spots can be a bit off-putting and downright disgusting to some people.

Remember, spotting in eggs is natural and does not indicate any issues with the hen’s health or the egg itself. It is also important to note that small flocks or free-range chickens sometimes produce eggs with more spotting, but farm-fresh eggs are just as safe to eat as commercial eggs.

Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (5)

Because commercial egg producers “candle” their eggs. Less than 1% of commercial eggs have blood spots that get to the grocery store. The brown-shelled egg has a slightly higher percentage at 5% since blood spots are harder to detect when the producers “candle” them.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that blood spots are not the same as meat spots, which are small pieces of tissue or meat that can also appear in eggs. These are also safe to eat but may be less appetizing than eggs without any spots. They can be caused by a number of factors, including age, diet, and stress.

What does it mean to “candle” an egg?

In the old days, when candles were the primary source of light, people would use them to inspect their eggs. They would hold the eggs to the flame and examine them for imperfections. The process is now done with a bright light source but is still called candling out of tradition.

Egg candling is done by commercial egg farms to ensure blemish-free eggs to the consumer before they get to the grocery store. It can be done with your backyard chickens, but it is rarely done unless you are raising chicks. Candling is used to tell the difference between a fertile and infertile egg. It also lets you spot any abnormalities.

Are eggs with blood spots safe to eat?

The answer is yes! Blood spots and meat spots are not signs of illness or contamination. They’re natural occurrences during the egg formation process.

The United States Department of Agriculture and the Egg Safety Center state that eggs with blood or meat spots are safe for human consumption if you cook the eggs properly and follow food safety guidelines.

However, some people may be put off by the appearance or texture of these spots, and that’s totally okay. Just crack your raw eggs into a separate container before adding them to your recipe. Use the tip of a knife, fork, or spoon to discard any droplets of blood or dark parts. Then, use the rest of the egg without worry.

If my eggs have just one blood or meat spot, I usually remove the blemish and still use the egg. But if my egg has multiple meat and egg spots, as in the photo above, I choose not to use them in my recipes. They are still eatable, but I usually feed them to our dog, Cowboy. He loves all eggs.?

Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (6)

So, is there a way to prevent blood spots in chicken eggs?

Unfortunately, not really. It’s just one of those things that happens from time to time. However, you can do a few things to minimize the chances of getting blood spots. For example, make sure your hens have a balanced diet with plenty of calcium, which can help ensure strong eggshells and minimize the risk of defects. Also, if you’re raising chickens outdoors, try to minimize the amount of stress they experience, as stress can interfere with the egg-laying process.

If you consistently notice these spots in your chicken eggs, make sure that your chickens are in good health and well-fed. Another thing to keep in mind is that blood spots tend to be more common in older hens. So, if you’re having a persistent issue with blood spots and have older hens, it might be time to rotate some of your hens out of the flock and bring in some younger birds.

Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (7)

In conclusion, blood and brown or white spots in chicken eggs are totally normal and safe to eat. While there’s no sure way to prevent them completely, providing your hens with a balanced diet, minimizing stress, and rotating out older birds can all help reduce the frequency of these spots. Remember, spotting in eggs does not indicate a fertilized egg.

Don’t worry; enjoy eggs from your chickens or ones you pick up at the farmers market without fear.

Please leave me a comment below, if you have experienced blood or meat spots in your chicken eggs. Do you eat them or throw them out?

Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (8)

What in the World Are These Tiny Chicken Eggs?

Lighting Your Chicken Coop in the Winter. A Good Idea?

What Makes a Hen Broody?

How to Handle Your Farm Fresh Eggs Like a Pro.

How to Deep Clean a Chicken Coop.

Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (9)
Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs - What Are They Exactly? – Our Country Life (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.