100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (2024)

Discover the vast world of vegetables with our comprehensive guide! From A to Z, we present you with a compilation of 100 vegetables, complete with stunning pictures, intriguing facts, and a list of various types of vegetables. Get ready to expand your culinary horizons and embrace the wonders of the plant kingdom!

100 Vegetables Name A to Z

  1. Acorn squash
  2. Alfalfa sprouts
  3. Amaranth
  4. Angelica
  5. Anise
  6. Arrowroot
  7. Artichoke
  8. Arugula
  9. Ash gourd
  10. Asparagus
  11. Bamboo shoot
  12. Basil
  13. Bay leaf
  14. Bean sprouts
  15. Beans
  16. Beetroot
  17. Bell pepper
  18. Bitter gourd
  19. Bok choy
  20. Broccoli
  21. Brussels sprouts
  22. Butternut squash
  23. Cabbage
  24. Capsicum
  25. Cardoon
  26. Carrot
  27. Cassava
  28. Cauliflower
  29. Celery
  30. Chard
  31. Chayote
  32. Chickpea
  33. Chickweed
  34. Chives
  35. Cilantro
  36. Collard greens
  37. Coriander
  38. Corn
  39. Cucumber
  40. Daikon radish
  41. Dandelion greens
  42. Eggplant
  43. Endive
  44. Escarole
  45. Fava bean
  46. Fennel
  47. Garlic
  48. Ginger
  49. Green beans
  50. Green chilies
  51. Green onion
  52. Horseradish
  53. Iceberg lettuce
  54. Jicama
  55. Kale
  56. Kelp
  57. Kohlrabi
  58. Lady’s Finger
  59. Leek
  60. Lemon
  61. Lentil
  62. Lettuce
  63. Lima bean
  64. Lotus root
  65. Mint
  66. Mushroom
  67. Mustard greens
  68. Okra
  69. Olive
  70. Onion
  71. Pak Choi
  72. Parsnip
  73. Peas
  74. Pepper
  75. Peppermint
  76. Potato
  77. Pumpkin
  78. Quinoa
  79. Radicchio
  80. Radish
  81. Red cabbage
  82. Red chilly
  83. Red onion
  84. Rosemary
  85. Rutabaga
  86. Shallot
  87. Snow pea
  88. Sorrel
  89. Spinach
  90. Spring onion
  91. Sweet potato
  92. Swiss chard
  93. Taro
  94. Tomato
  95. Turnip
  96. Watercress
  97. White onion
  98. Yam
  99. Yellow squash
  100. Zucchini

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100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (1)

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (2)

12 Different Types of Vegetables

Vegetables can be classified into cruciferous, leafy green, marrow, root, stem, and allium types. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage are nutrient-rich, while leafy greens such as spinach and kale offer freshness. Marrow vegetables are tender, roots like carrots and potatoes are versatile, stems like asparagus provide crispness, and alliums like onions and garlic add pungency and aroma to dishes.

Below are 12 different types of vegetables:

1. Root Vegetables Name

Plants where the main edible part is the root, such as carrots and beets.

List of Root Vegetables

  • Carrot
  • Daikon
  • Turnip
  • Celeriac
  • Rutabaga/Swede
  • Sugar beet
  • Parsnip
  • Horseradish
  • Radish
  • Beetroot

2. Leafy Vegetables Name

Plants with edible leaves or leaf stem, including lettuce, spinach, and kale.

List of Leafy Vegetables

  • Cabbage
  • Coriander leaves
  • Lettuce
  • Mint
  • Spring onion
  • Rapini
  • Spinach
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Bok choy
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Arugula
  • Mustard greens

3. Flower Vegetables Name

The flowering parts of plants that are edible, like broccoli and cauliflower.

List of Flower Vegetables

  • Banana flower
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Artichoke
  • Romanesco broccoli
  • Zucchini flowers
  • Squash Blossoms
  • Nasturtiums
  • Marigolds
  • Chive Blossoms
  • Daylilies
  • Calendula (Pot Marigolds)
  • Pansies
  • Borage
  • Lavender
  • Rose

Related: Flowers Name List

4. Tuber Vegetables Name

Thickened underground parts of some plants that are consumed, like potatoes and sweet potatoes.

List of Tuber Vegetables

  • Arrowroot
  • Ginger
  • Purple yam
  • Greater yam
  • Tapioca
  • Elephant Yam
  • Chinese potato
  • Arracacia
  • Turmeric
  • Potato

5. Fruit Vegetables Name

Botanical fruits are used in culinary applications as vegetables, like tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.

List of Fruit Vegetables

  • Eggplant
  • Green peas
  • Corn
  • Peppers
  • Chickpeas
  • Beans
  • Pumpkin
  • String beans
  • Lady’s finger
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato


  1. Fruits and Vegetables With 5 Letters
  2. Fruits and Vegetables With 6 Letters

6. Bulb Vegetables Name

Plants producing a fleshy, underground storage structure, like onions and garlic.

List of Bulb Vegetables

  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Shallot
  • Leek
  • Fennel
  • Scallion
  • Spring Onion
  • Kohlrabi
  • Bulbous Fennel

7. Stem Vegetables Name

Vegetables that are the edible stems of plants, like asparagus and celery.

List of Stem Vegetables

  • Cardoon
  • Cabbage
  • Swiss chard
  • Celery
  • Lemon grass
  • Celtuce
  • Bamboo shoots
  • Asparagus
  • Rhubarb
  • Kohlrabi

8. Green Vegetables Name

A general term for vegetables with green edible parts, such as broccoli, peas, and green beans.

List of Green Vegetables

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumber
  • Green bell peppers
  • Avocado
  • Celery
  • Green onions (scallions)
  • Artichokes
  • Lettuce (varieties like romaine, iceberg, and leaf lettuce)
  • Cabbage
  • Bok choy
  • Swiss chard
  • Green peas (also known as garden peas)
  • Okra
  • Green tomatoes

9. Red Vegetables Name

Vegetables with red edible parts, like red peppers, radishes, and tomatoes.

List of Red Vegetables

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Red bell peppers
  3. Radishes
  4. Red onions
  5. Beets
  6. Red cabbage
  7. Red potatoes
  8. Red chili peppers
  9. Red carrots
  10. Red leaf lettuce
  11. Red kale
  12. Red Swiss chard
  13. Red Brussels sprouts
  14. Red jalapeño peppers
  15. Red radicchio

10. Marrow

A type of summer squash known for its soft skin, tender flesh, and large size.

List of Marrow Vegetables

  • Zucchini
  • Yellow Squash
  • Pattypan Squash
  • Crookneck Squash
  • Chayote
  • Tromboncino Squash
  • Lebanese Squash
  • Eight Ball Zucchini

11. Allium

A genus of plants with strong flavors and odors, including onions, garlic, and leeks.

List of Alliums

  • Onion (Allium cepa)
  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum)
  • Leek (Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum)
  • Scallion/Green Onion/Spring Onion (Allium fistulosum)
  • Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
  • Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum)
  • Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum)
  • Rakkyo (Allium chinense)
  • Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosum)
  • Ramps/Wild Leeks (Allium tricoccum)
  • Chinese Leek (Allium ramosum)
  • Society Garlic (Tulbaghia violacea)

12. Peas & Beans

Plants in the legume family with edible seeds enclosed in a pod, including peas, lentils, and various beans.

List of Peas and Beans


  • Green Peas
  • Snow Peas
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Split Peas (used for making soups and dals)


  • Kidney Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Navy Beans
  • Pinto Beans
  • Cannellini Beans
  • Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)
  • Lima Beans
  • Great Northern Beans
  • Adzuki Beans
  • Black-Eyed Peas
  • Fava Beans
  • Lentils (although technically a type of legume, they are often included in the bean category due to their similar culinary uses)

Must Read: Scientific Names of Vegetables

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (3)

Vegetables Name in English with Pictures and Facts


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (4)

Artichokes are plants that belong to the thistle family. Artichokes are usually small, leafy plants with many small, tough leaves. The leaves of an artichoke have a bump or dimple on the top which is called a “crown”.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (5)

Radishes are a member of the cabbage family. They have a long taproot with many small, edible leaves surrounding it. The leaves of radish have a sharp flavor that is slightly similar to the taste of raw spring onions.

Ash gourd

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (6)

Ash gourds are a type of fruit that is grown like vegetables. They are related to squash and pumpkins. The skin of the fruit is covered in hard, green scales which can be peeled off for cooking purposes.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (7)

Asparagus is a vegetable that comes from the asparagus plant. The edible part of a stalk of asparagus is the lower portion. Stalks are usually harvested during the spring season when they are young and tender.

Bamboo shoots

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (8)

Bamboo shoots are seasonal vegetables. They are harvested when the shoots first grow during early summer. The shoots are grown in bamboo stalks, which extend over water to provide nutrients and oxygen to the plants (similar to how terrestrial plants grow).


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (9)

Basil is a herbaceous perennial plant that grows in the Mediterranean region. It has a strong, peppery taste. The leaves and flowers of basil are edible, but they’re most often used as a seasoning.

Bean sprouts

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (10)

Bean sprouts are a vegetable that is harvested from mung beans. They are usually eaten raw, but some people eat them cooked.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (11)

Beans are a type of vegetable that is cultivated for their seeds. The seeds of beans are usually eaten as a food ingredient, and the leaves of a bean plant provide the material used in making these foods.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (12)

Beetroot is a popular vegetable that is grown for its roots. The color of the beetroot can vary from red to white, and it has a unique flavor. Beetroots are usually eaten raw as an ingredient in salads or cooked as a side dish.

Bell pepper

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (13)

Bell peppers are popular vegetables that are usually eaten raw. The bell pepper is a vegetable that has a variety of colors and flavors, including white and yellow, green, red, and orange.

Bitter gourd

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (14)

The bitter gourd is a vegetable that has dark green skin and white flesh. It is often eaten raw as a vegetable, but it can also be cooked in a variety of ways.

Bok choy

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (15)

Bok choy is a vegetable that has a mild taste and many nutrients. The Bok choy is a popular vegetable because of its low calories and high nutrients.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (16)

Broccoli is a type of cabbage that is grown for its edible green leaves. Broccoli also has flower buds that are used as a vegetable called broccoli sprouts.

Brussels sprouts

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (17)

Brussels sprouts are a type of cabbage that have green leaves with a white stalk. Brussels sprouts have a strong taste and can be bitter to some people.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (18)

Cabbage is a member of the Brassica family. Cabbage has a long taproot and many edible leaves that are chopped or sliced into salads.

Cactus pear

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (19)

The cactus pear is a type of succulent plant that has edible green fruit. It is commonly grown as an ornamental shrub in the United States.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (20)

Capsicum is a family of plants that includes peppers. There are many types of peppers including bell, hot chili pepper, and sweet chili pepper. The capsicum plant has edible pods that have a mild taste and texture.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (21)

Carrots are a root vegetable that is grown for its greens. It has many varieties including the orange carrot and the purple carrot. Carrots can be eaten raw or cooked.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (22)

Cauliflower is a vegetable that looks like a cabbage with a head on top. It can be eaten raw or cooked. The cauliflower is also used in many types of recipes.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (23)

Celery is a vegetable that has many varieties including celery root, celery stalk, and cored celery. The celery can be eaten raw or cooked.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (24)

Chayote is a vegetable that belongs to the squash family. It has small, green, pear-shaped fruits with a thorny stem and many seeds. Chayote is similar to a cucumber but it grows in Mexico and South America.

Collard greens

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (25)

Collard greens are also a member of the cabbage family. They have long stems with large, dark green leaves that grow in a bundle. Collard greens are very nutritious and they can be eaten raw or cooked.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (26)

Coriander is a common herb that is found in many cuisines. It is a member of the mint family and it has long, thin, green leaves and small purple flowers. Coriander is used to flavor curries or soups.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (27)

Corn is a type of grain that is used to make cornbread and cornmeal. Corn comes in many varieties, including sweet corn and popcorn.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (28)

Cucumbers are a very common vegetable that is often eaten raw, pickled, or as a salad. They have small, green leaves and long stems.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (29)

Eggplant is a type of vegetable that has soft, purple skin and white flesh. It is often used in Italian cooking and vegetarian dishes.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (30)

Endive is a type of vegetable that has thin, long stems and pale green leaves. Endive is often used in salads.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (31)

Escarole is a type of vegetable that has long, slender leaves and a slightly bitter flavor. It is often used in salads and soups.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (32)

Fennel is a plant that belongs to the parsley family. Fennel is usually an herb that has a long, hollow leafy stem and small, edible leaves.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (33)

Garlic is a very common herb that belongs to the onion family. Garlic has a long, hollow stalk and small cloves of garlic at the top of it.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (34)

Ginger is a plant that belongs to the mint family. Ginger has a long, hollow stem and small, edible leaves.

Green beans

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (35)

Green beans belong to the bean family. They have a long, hollow stem with small, edible leaves.

Green chilies

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (36)

Green chilies are usually a type of chili pepper. Like other chilis, they have a long, hollow stem with small, edible leaves.

Green onion

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (37)

Green onions are a type of onion and belong to the same family as green chilies. They have a long, hollow stalk with small, edible leaves.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (38)

Horseradish is a plant belonging to the mustard family. It has a long, hollow stem and small, edible leaves.

Knol khol

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (39)

Knol khol is a type of green vegetable that grows in the Himalayan Mountain range. It has a long, hollow stem with small, edible leaves.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (40)

Kohlrabi is a root vegetable that is similar to a turnip but with lighter green leaves. Kohlrabi can be eaten raw or cooked.

Lady’s Finger

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (41)

Lady’s finger is a vegetable that belongs to the allium family. It is usually eaten as a salad, but can also be cooked.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (42)

Leek is a member of the onion family. It has a long, green, bulbous root and many thin white leaves around it.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (43)

Lemon is a citrus fruit that has an acidity level of between 0.7 and 3.5 (depending on the variety). It is usually eaten raw, but can also be used in cooking.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (44)

Lettuce is a type of leafy green vegetable that is popular in salads. It has hollow stems, light green leaves, and a slightly bitter taste.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (45)

Mint is a type of herb that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It has small, green leaves and flowers, which are usually purple or white.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (46)

Moringa is a tree that is native to South Asia, but it has been grown by many people around the world. It produces a lot of edible leaves and seeds.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (47)

Mushrooms are a type of fungus that is edible. They can be found in many different types and colors, including white, yellow, red, and brown.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (48)

Okra is a type of vegetable that is generally green in color and has a slightly bitter flavor. It is usually eaten cooked or raw.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (49)

They have been cultivated for thousands of years and are one of the oldest known cultivated crops.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (50)

Onions are a member of the lily family. They have bulbous roots that can grow up to 10 inches long, which produces many small, white, or purple flowers. The flowers are usually green and are used in cooking.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (51)

Parsnip is a root vegetable that is similar to carrots. Parsnips are used as a vegetable and in soups. The parsnip has a very sharp flavor and can be prepared in many ways.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (52)

Peas are a common root vegetable. Their roots contain a lot of carbohydrates, making them an excellent source of energy. They are often grown in greenhouses and can be used as fertilizer, cooked, or dried.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (53)

Pepper is a small, sweet pepper that can be used fresh in cooking or dried for seasoning. It has a mild flavor and can be found in most supermarkets.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (54)

Potato is a root vegetable that can be found in most supermarkets. It is commonly used in many dishes and stews, either cooked or raw.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (55)

The pumpkin is a fruit that can be cooked or eaten raw. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and is often used to make bread, pies, and muffins.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (56)

Radicchio is a type of cauliflower that has a curly leaf, similar to the leaves of broccoli. Radicchio has white flowers and green leaves that are tightly packed together.

Red cabbage

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (57)

Red cabbage is a type of cabbage that has dark red or purple leaves and white flowers. Red cabbage is used in many different recipes as it has a sweet, mild taste.

Red chilly

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (58)

Red chilies are a type of chili pepper that is very spicy. They come in a variety of colors, from green to red. Red hot chilies are often dried and ground into a powder, which is known as chili powder.

Red onion

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (59)

Red onions are a type of onion that has a milder taste than the green onions. Red onions are used in many dishes, including chili, salads, and bread.

Red Chillies

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (60)

Red chilies are a type of chili pepper that is very spicy. They come in a variety of colors, from green to red. Red hot chilies are often dried and ground into a powder, which is known as chili powder.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (61)

Spinach is a popular vegetable that can be eaten in many different ways. It has been used as an herb, a staple food, and even a source of fiber. Spinach is used in many dishes, including chili, salads, and bread.

Spring onion

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (62)

Spring onions are a vegetable similar to scallions. They have a long, green stem that is white at the top or bottom and has a bulb at the end. The onions are used as a vegetable in many cuisines all over the world.

Sweet potato

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (63)

Sweet potatoes are root vegetable that is brown or purple on the outside and white on the inside. They have hard skin that is too thick to eat raw, so they must be cooked before being eaten.

Swiss chard

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (64)

Swiss chard is a leafy vegetable that is similar to spinach. Its red veins and green leaves give it a bright appearance when grown in the sunlight.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (65)

Tomatoes are a fruit that is usually red or green when ripe. They have hard skin and flesh that must be cooked before eating.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (66)

Turnips are similar to beets in appearance. They have hard skin, so they must be cooked before eating.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (67)

Yams are root vegetable that is white on the outside and yellow or orange on the inside. They have a hard skin, so they must be cooked before being eaten.

Yellow squash

100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (68)

Yellow squash is a vegetable that grows between the rind of the green pepper. It has a hard skin, so it must be cooked before eating.


100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (69)

Zucchini is a squash that grows in a long oval shape. Its skin has to be cooked before eating.

Explore More:

  1. 20 Vegetable Names
  2. 10 Vegetable Names
  3. 50 Vegetable Names
100 Vegetables Name A to Z (Pictures, Facts, & Types) - EngDic (2024)
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